Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Managing Social Anxiety In Children With Autism

As a parent with an autistic child, you want to do everything you can to protect your child. We don't want to place our children in circumstances that scare them, however, setting your child up in a program or providing them with social activities can help them to learn how to manage their social anxieties.

First of all, when your child is diagnosed with autism, research the symptoms that are associated with this developmental disorder. The more information you have, the better you will be qualified to deal with certain situations. It will also help to join a support group for parents with autistic children. You'll find other parents will be willing to share their sources of information with you.

When you find a program for your child, you'll want to make sure it is appropriately qualified to deal with your child's social anxiety. Every autistic child is different so you'll want to make sure you are honest and up-front about the symptoms your child displays. It's also important to remember that the sooner you can get your child enrolled in a program, the more significant difference it can make in alleviating their social anxiety.

Your child's program should include playtime where they will be able to learn to make friends and how to interact with others. This play activity is very important to getting over their social anxiety. The activities should include something fun. For example, having children play an appropriate aged-level board game. This can help your child to learn how to interact with others.

Many children with autism have difficulty when it comes to understanding how another individual feels. This influences how they are able to interact with others. One way to help them with this is to use picture cards of characters with different facial expressions and posture. Once they understand how others may possibly feel by facial expressions and body language, they will more easily interact with others.

There are many things you can work on with your child to help them manage the social anxieties they face. Most children with autism simply lack the ability to react to change in a calm manner. Your child, if given the opportunity to become social, may simply wander off to be by themselves.

To be successful in helping your child, the most important thing you can do is to be patient with them. Do not force social activities on them, however, make sure they are available. Whether it is sitting down to dinner with the family or going over to a friends house to play, you'll want to do what you can to make sure your child is as comfortable as possible. Talk to them and explain to them what is going to happen and where they are going. Try not to shove surprises on them, as you'll need to prepare them for activities.

Your child with autism can learn, with time and patience, how to handle different social interactions with others. As their parent, your job is to assist them with managing their anxieties by providing them with plenty of opportunities in which to adjust to a variety of situations.

Rachel Evans also writes a Free Autism newsletter. You can grab your free copy here: Free Autism Newsletter. For more information on ways for defining autism and for more on using an autism journals click here.

How To Find Out About Autism Care

Nowadays it is much more common to hear about autism than it has been in the past. Approximately one in every one hundred and fifty children in America is diagnosed with autism. It seems to be four times more prevalent in boys than girls. One in ninety four boys are affected according to the latest calculations of the Autism Society of America. Even with the increase in the occurrence of autism, it is still somewhat puzzling to know how to find the assistance and support needed to take care of an autistic child. There are, however, numerous organizations that can teach you the many important points you need to know about autism care.

An understanding of what autism is might be the best place to start. Autism is a condition that affects how the brain works and how children diagnosed with it are able to convey their thoughts. Children with autism may find it difficult to play, think, feel, or talk like normal children. Every autistic child is affected differently by the condition.

There are many symptoms that may or may not be present in a child who has autism. The child may be one who cries all the time or cannot be still for long and goes from one thing to the next very quickly. He or she may not like to be touched or may not hear you or understand you when you speak to them. Often children with autism will seem to be very anxious and moody. An autistic child might get agitated when changes are made in their regular routine to the point where they will have an intense temper tantrum. Many autistic children suffer seizures, and still others seem not to be aware of their own pain or discomfort.

If you suspect a problem with your child, you may need to have him or her hospitalized for testing and possible treatment. Autism cannot be cured, but there are treatments available that will give your child a better chance of leading a more normal life. Again, each child is different and his or her treatment may well be different than that of another child. It may include medication, counseling, or different types of therapy such as behavioral, physical, speech, or occupational.

If you are a parent or guardian of an autistic child, ask the child's doctor or caregiver for a list of support groups, organizations, articles, or websites where you can find help in learning how to deal with this condition and how to give your child proper autism care. As a doctor, he or she should be able to direct you onto the right path to find all the help and knowledge you will need to successfully care for your special child.

Find out more about autism care

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6109150

Monday, March 28, 2011

Therapy Swings - Helping Kids Regulate and Learn About Their Bodies

As moms and teachers everywhere know, kids have a lot of energy. They need to move and play to get that energy out. This is true of all kids but this necessity is taken to a whole different level when dealing with kids with special needs. Children with ADD, ADHD, Sensory Integration issues, and Autism all benefit from daily movement and stimulation. Although each kid is different, occupational therapists often use various kinds of swings and swinging techniques to help these kids regulate their bodies. Swinging therapy helps kids focus and increases a child's body awareness.

Occupational therapy is a key component to a successful program for kids with Sensory Integration Dysfunction (SID). Swings of various kinds are used to help regulate the vestibular system and some can provide proprioception for calming kids down and increasing body awareness. Often times parents find carrying over occupational therapy techniques into the home a daunting task. Many parents turn their family rooms in an OT clinic but not everyone has the skills or ability to hang swings from their ceilings or cover their floors in mats. The best solution for most families is an indoor swing that has a variety of attachments and a solid support bar.

To create the perfect indoor swinging area for your child you should invest in attachments that best meet their individual needs. Here is a list of components that might benefit your child if they suffer from ADHD, Autism, or a Sensory Integration Disorder. All of the products listed here are by Theraplay Toys (also known as Play Away). We have found this product to be the most convenient, affordable, and sturdy indoor swing system available.

  • Support Bar - a solid support bar is an essential part of a good indoor swinging system. This well constructed support bar is designed to fit in any doorway 29-36 inches. If you are placing it in a doorway temporarily or just want the flexibility of putting it up and taking it down easily it can be soft mounted without any screws. With this type of installation the support bar can hold up to 175 lbs, if you plan on leaving it the doorway for long periods of time or permanently you can hard mount it. The hardware required to hard mount the support bar is included and it will hold up to 300 lbs so parent (or therapist) and child can ride together.
  • Net Swing - this is one of my personal favorites. This swing envelops your whole body as you swing back and forth. It not only stimulates the vestibular system it provide ample proprioception (pressure to the joints) so it is calming and comforting for kids who seek that type of pressure. Many kids love to relax in the net swing but it is also a good place for them to read a book or do homework with clipboard or hard surface on the lap. For kids that are praxis or suffer from other types of speech disorders doing speech therapy exercises while in a net swing can keep them alert and motivated for a longer period of time.
  • 3 in 1 Platform Swing - this is one of the most innovative therapy swings I have every seen used in occupational therapy. The platform wing has long been a staple of sensory integration therapy. When Jean Ayres invented the therapy she used platform swings to help regulate a child's vestibular system. She added that varying types the types of movement and planes of the body will increase body awareness. On a Platform swing a child can stand, sit, and lie on their back or stomach. This innovative 3 in 1 system can also be removed from the swing and placed on the floor. It has a rotational devise on the underside of the platform that allows the platform to turn endless in circles. This can help kids who cannot tolerate rotary movement learn to do it in a safe manner. Additionally many kids in the Autism spectrum have a deep need to spin and this gives them a safe and appropriate way to get that movement.
  • One Seated Glider - as with all swing the glider stimulates the vestibular system but it also does so much more. It allows for proprioception as kids push with their feet to make the glider move forward and back. The full body extension also helps with postural stability by adding strength at the core.

These are just a few of the great attachments that can be used for sensory integration therapy in the home. Ironically the product was developed by a Dad of a neuro-typical child because they lived in an apartment in a wet weather climate. Basically his kids were driving him crazy. Then a few parents of Autistic children found out about this amazing product and it has helped so many families. One of my dear friends has had this hanging in her kitchen doorway for the last 5 years. Everyone is the house sits in it from time to time but her Autistic daughter uses it daily to self regulate. It keeps her ticks to a minimum and instead of rocking or picking at her fingers she sits in her net swing. The indoor swing set has given her a tool to self regulate in an appropriate way. It makes her feel good - not just in the calm physical sense - it makes her feel good about herself and increases her self esteem because she feels more in control of her own body.

As a mother of a child with sensory issues and a friend to so many other moms in the same situation I cannot say enough about having an indoor swing therapy set. It is an essential part of a well rounded sensory diet and the perfect arsenal in combating sensory integration disorder.

Alycia Shapiro is Vice President in charge of product development for SensoryEdge. She has advocated for special needs children in order to get the therapy services they need. Many parents either have difficulty getting the proper services or might not know these services are available. You can visit her websites to learn more about educational Toys and Play Therapy.

Autism Sensory Integration - Where Do Parents Start

Unfortunately in this day and age there are still people who do not see Sensory Integration as a treatment therapy for children with Autism. Unfortunately many people do not see it as a therapy in its own right.

It is a therapy so intense that is can be puzzling and daunting to people. It is also a therapy so simple with gains that are so important and significant. Whether working with a child who is over sensitive or under sensitive there is help to be had.

The first thing for a parent to think about when considering Sensory Integration is being able to suspend their thoughts and feelings. They have to be able to do that to acquire the empathy of thought and feeling needed to figure out what to do to help their child.

If a child is screaming because they are over sensitive to their environment they will not be able to learn. If a child is so under stimulated that they can not work up the energy to engage they will not be able to learn.

Parents can help a child with Autism that has these characteristics. There are several areas associated with Sensory Integration. These areas are oral, tactile, aural, visual, and proprioceptive. Another way to say this is mouthing, touching, hearing, seeing, and being able to tell where your body is in relation to people and things.

Early consistent speech therapy is critical to a child with Autism. Some children with and without Autism may not need speech therapy or as much speech therapy if they get it early. The same theory works with Sensory Integration.

Early consistent Sensory Integration in all areas may help a child to the extent is may not be needed or needed to that level later. It is not voodoo or magic. It is a consistent application of techniques that work.

Would you like more free information? Please register here: http://autismonabudget.blogspot.com/2009/12/free-information.html

Mylinda Elliott is the parent of five children. The third of the five has Autism which was diagnosed early on. The fourth of the five children has Aspergers. She is a self taught expert on Autism Spectrum Disorders. Mylinda Elliott has also worked professionally in the disability world for the past fifteen years. She is considered the "Go To" woman for advice or resources on disabilities.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mylinda_Elliott

Helping the Child Who Has Sensory Processing Issues

There's something up with a child you know. He's clumsy, picky, always on the move, or flopped in a chair like a wet noodle. He's impulsive, intense, and quirky. Maybe he has a learning disability, ADHD, or autism, or maybe not, but his behavior and responses to everyday sensations are puzzling. Why does he withdraw or act out? Why are transitions so difficult? Can he really hear the fluorescent lights that he claims are distracting him?

It's very likely that this child you're concerned about has sensory processing disorder, also known as SPD or sensory integration dysfunction. An estimated 1 in 20 children and almost all children with autism have SPD.

This child's nervous system is wired atypically, causing her body to process everyday sensations differently. Unable to rely on her senses to give her an accurate picture of what is going on in her body and her world, she is prone to anxiety, distractibility, impulsivity, and frustration. A child with SPD will tune out or act out when overstimulated. The need for sensory input such as movement and touch can be so overpowering that the child truly can't control her need to seek it out. Many of us have difficulty tuning out background noise, or prefer clothes that fit a certain way. These are sensory preferences. When a child's sensory issues interfere significantly with learning and playing, he needs the help of an occupational therapist and a sensory smart adult who can teach him how to feel more comfortable in his body and environment.

Fortunately, many of the accommodations that can make a huge difference in the life of a child who has sensory issues are simple and inexpensive. Here are just a few:

  • Cut out clothing tags, turn socks inside out or buy seamless ones, and avoid clothing with embroidery and elastic that will touch the skin and create distracting, irritating sensations.
  • To tolerate the intense sensation of having his teeth brushed, the child with SPD may need to use nonfoaming toothpaste and have his mouth and lips desensitized by using a vibrating toothbrush or even just gently pressing a hand-held vibrator against his cheek, jaws, and lips before attempting to brush.
  • To calm and focus a child with sensory issues, you can try applying deep pressure against the skin as you compress her joints. Hugging, or pressing pillows against her body or rolling her up in a blanket to play "burrito" are often enjoyable ways for a child to get input. Always pay close attention to what a child is telling you, in words or body language, about her response to sensory input. Do not upset her with unwanted touch.
  • In school or at home, allow him to sit on an exercise ball or an inflatable cushion, with a smooth or bumpy surface. This will meet the movement needs of a child who just has to be able to squirm and help the child with poor body awareness to better sense where his body is when he's seated. When these needs for movement and body awareness are met, the sensory child will focus better on listening, eating, or doing schoolwork.
  • Provide a quiet retreat when she's overwhelmed by the sensory onslaught of everyday life. Whether she sits alone with you in a car outside of a party or restaurant, or in a quiet, darkened room, listening to relaxing music on a personal music player with headphones, a sensory break can do wonders for a child's ability to tolerate her environment.

A pediatric occupational therapist, trained and experienced in helping children with sensory issues, can work with parents and teachers to plan and carry out activities for the child that can help him or her function better at home, at school, and away. She can also help problem solve and discover accommodations that will ease the child's discomfort, and set up a "sensory diet" of activities that will help him. Whether working on a consultation basis, in a sensory gym nearby, at home or at school, the right sensory smart OT can make a huge difference for a child with sensory processing disorder.

Nancy Peske is an author and editor and the parent of a child who at age 2 was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder and multiple developmental delays. Coauthor of the award-winning Raising a Sensory Smart Child: The Definitive Handbook for Helping Your Child with Sensory Processing Issues, available from Penguin Books, Nancy offers information and support on her blog and website at http://www.sensorysmartparent.com She has been active in the SPD community since 2002.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nancy_Peske

Autism Sensory Integration - How Do Sensory Diets Fit In?

ne of the best solutions to some of the problems children with Autism experience is sensory integration techniques. Some children with Autism are so uncomfortable that occasional techniques are of little use.

Many people think that the children are really in pain. I do not know about you but if I am in pain it is almost impossible for me to learn anything.

One of the solutions is what is called a sensory diet. Basically a sensory diet is a plan to do a set variety of techniques. They are also done on a schedule.

A good sensory diet needs to be developed with the help of an occupational therapist or physical therapist. The therapist needs to be one with experience working with sensory diets and children with Autism.

There is no one set of techniques that will make up all people's diet. Just the same way typical children respond to many different techniques, the child with Autism will.

Some people will need pressure point therapy. Some will need massage. Others might need scented markers. Children with Autism might get brushed or any combination of these techniques and others.

The occupational therapist or physical therapist will set up the variety of techniques and the timing. They will also train the family on the different techniques so they can be done the same way across settings and people. Having someone with specific training is important to finding a system that will help.

A parent's challenge will be to get all the people involved in their child's life to do the sensory diet. In addition we will still want to use various techniques when dealing with a meltdown or behavior issues.

Would you like more free information? Please register here: http://autismonabudget.blogspot.com/2009/12/free-information.html

Mylinda Elliott is the parent of five children. The third of the five has Autism which was diagnosed early on. The fourth of the five children has Aspergers. She is a self taught expert on Autism Spectrum Disorders. Mylinda Elliott has also worked professionally in the disability world for the past fifteen years. She is considered the "Go To" woman for advice or resources on disabilities.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mylinda_Elliott

Friday, March 25, 2011

17 Ways to Help Your Autism Spectrum Child

1. Get an early diagnosis. The earlier the better. As soon as you think your child might be on the spectrum take action. I was diagnosed on the spectrum at age 5, and I know for a fact that this made a difference in my life. If my parents had waited to take action, then I would not be as successful or as well off as I am today.

2. Be positive even when it's hard. Even children who are lower functioning can tell when mom or dad is depressed or upset about have a child with autism.

3. Get your child the right kind of therapy that they need to improve and become a functioning adult. Ask around and get multiple opinions about autism therapies. Pay attention to what your child needs as well, and change therapies when your gut instinct tells you to.

4. Encourage your child to do whatever they can do. Focus on can rather than can't. Nurture your child's talents.

5. As a mother do everything you can to stay at home and to avoid working outside the home. While every child benefits from having a stay at home mom, it is even more crucial for children on the autism spectrum. Find a way to work from home, if you need the income.

6. Avoid treating your child as different or special to the extent possible.

7. Avoid using too many medications. There are natural supplements and vitamins that can help and in many cases are much better.

8. Read and learn all you can about autism and the various forms.

9. Be willing to make diet changes if necessary. Even though it can be hard on the rest of the family, it may be in the best interest of your child to do this.

10. Stay hopeful. Even if it may seem like your child will not be able to do a lot of things right now, many children on the spectrum make drastic improvements as they get older.

11. Make sure any other children you have are well educated about what is going on with their sibling. Teach them to be loving and accepting.

12. Give your child one on one time alone with you.

13. Do everything you can to bond with and to connect with your child.

14. Choose the right form of education for your child regardless of what other teachers or other doctors may say. You know what is best so make that clear.

15. Seek out and get support from others in your community.

16. Try to find other children on the spectrum with whom your child can be friends.

17. Get your child retested as they grow older since their diagnosis can change.

AnnaLaura Brown is a successful home business owner who markets herself and her business on the internet. Diagnosed on the spectrum at age 5, she is committed to offering hope and help to as many parents of children with autism spectrum disorders as possible. Learn more about her and how she can help you work from home at http://autism.workwithannalaura.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=AnnaLaura_Brown

How Can Your Autistic Child Benefit From Specialist Schools for Autism?

Autism covers such a wide spectrum of symptoms it can be can be difficult to pinpoint which school might be best for your child. ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) can range from Mild to Severe with symptoms ranging from the child not being responsive to high functioning.

Unfortunately Autism isn't really understood in state schools, and therefore it can be a great help to your child to enroll them in a school funded by a private organization.

Many privately run schools specialize in Autism and will only accept children who suffer from the condition. It is these schools that have invested time and money into the condition to get the best out of the children and give them a foundation from which to forge the path for the rest of their lives.

Specialist Autism schools will often have both teachers and carers on the staffing roster and offer a flexible curriculum to suit the needs of the child. This is extremely important for a condition that can vary so much from child to child. Not only do the specialist schools offer the advice and assistance from its employees, but they are also designed to help stimulate the children through the environment. For example, certain colours might be used in the decoration of a classroom as research has shown that these colours can help the child engage more with his or her environment.

Teachers and Carers that have been trained to understand autism can offer the best form of support and education for your child. Some schools may even offer one to one tuition if it is deemed that the child needs this to help their progress. They may be assigned a mentor that stays by their side all day every day. In some cases the Autism Schools offer residential services so the child can stay on the 'campus' throughout the length of the term. This may help parents find the best school for their son or daughter, and if travelling distance becomes a problem then the residential offering can help.

Another reason why parents might opt for a specialist school is teasing and bullying. Whilst it may appear that some autism sufferers are not as development as others it is easy for them to become the subject of attention from other kids at the school.

The most important thing about a specialist Autism School is that your child is around people that understand the disorder and are able to cater for their every need. Its important that each child, no matter if they suffer from autism or not, is allowed the chance to make a future for themselves.

Based in Derbyshire, High Grange is a Specialist Autism School for Young People with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ian_Sheldon

Is The Speech Therapy Helping Your Child?

Speech therapy is a long term procedure depending on the disorder. Speech therapy is a popular method of treatment that involves learning new speech techniques (such as speaking syllable-by-syllable) and modifying current ways of speaking (such as reducing the rate of speech). It may also include psychological counseling as a way of boosting self-esteem and reducing the tendency of avoiding fearful situations such as speaking in front of a group.

Speech therapy is usually grouped with the other two but does not involve as much physical injury. Speech-language pathologists and audiologists help people who have speech and hearing defects.

Speech therapy is offered to help inpatients and outpatients. Licensed speech therapists are available seven days per week to diagnose and treat speech disorders. Speech therapy is intended to not only improve social communication skills, but also teach the ability to use those communication skills as an alternative to unacceptable behavior. Speech therapy is conducted individually or in small groups to work toward achieving speech goals.

Speech therapy is a very important part of the treatment for VCD. Special exercises increase the awareness of abdominal breathing and relax the throat muscles. Speech therapy is available free under and in most areas you can refer yourself, without having to see your GP first. You may be offered individual therapy, group therapy or both.

Speech therapy is a painstaking process, but it can be as rewarding as it is frustrating. Tremendous attention to detail and sharp focus are necessary in the evaluation of the patient's progress.

Speech therapy is apparently an effective treatment for stammering, whereas oxprenolol appears to be of no value when given routinely; oxprenolol may be of value, however, in very stressful conditions. Speech therapy is considered to be special education.

Even though ideally it is designed to provide a free, appropriate public education, children attending private schools are covered under the law too. Speech therapy is often warranted to correct speech production disorders.

Standardized tests are often used to assess sound in the initial, medial and final position of words and in conversation based on the needs of the individual child. Speech therapy is provided to discuss typical responses from the injection and also to counsel the patient regarding vocal quality between injections.

The clinics are usually held once per month, depending on patient need. Speech therapy is offered from early education through 12th grade. You can receive these services by first testing and then getting an IEP (individualized education plan) for you child.

Speech Therapy is the treatment of disorders of speech and language and swallowing. Speech Therapy improves ability to communicate as effectively as possible, and to swallow as safely as possible.

Speech therapy is provided in all settings including inpatient, outpatient, Subacute, home health and hospice. Speech therapy is widely available. Most approaches attempt to decrease the rate of speech either under the direction of the speech therapist or with the use of a metronome.

Speech therapy is not covered for people with certain diagnoses, including autism, by most insurance companies. Because these insurance companies have already decided that our children,will never catch up in speech.

Speech Therapy is an allied branch of health sciences which cures the disorder of speech, voice, and language of a person. The branch speech therapy and audiology has become a promising career option in recent times

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Why There Is Need to Create Autism Awareness?

Autism is a disorder and not a disease as is usually presumed. It affects the development of the neurons and is usually characterized by impaired interaction, communication and in other cases, there occurs a repetitive behavior. The characteristics are easy to identify and can precisely be pointed out in a three year old child. This is a worrying statistic that greatly emphasizes the need to have autism awareness raised so that parents are able to take the necessary steps should their child display such traits.

This disorder affects how information is processed in the brain. The disorder changes the usual way of communication between nerve sells. A known fact about this disorder is that it can be obtained genetically. Parents with a child suffering from autism can easily find out from which side of their families the disorder came from.

However, a genetic background is not the sole source of the autism disorder. It has been known to be caused by agents that cause birth defects. Currently, there are ongoing arguments as to whether the disorder can be caused by environmental factors that surround us such as pesticides, heavy metals among many others. However, this is still under debate and researchers are hard at work trying to establish the authenticity of this claim. As a result of this awareness, majority of the population will be well informed and the associated organizations will pump in money to oversee that studies are carried out and appropriate recommendations are suggested.

Autism can easily be identified even in a child and its symptoms are traceable even within two years after the child was born. While the observation of a child's behavior is very much emphasized, that does not mean that the first unusual behavior you realize is an indication that your child has autism. You cannot be justified to jump to such a conclusion as a result of just one observation. Look out for a recurrence in most if not all of the behavioral characteristics associated with the disorder and then you can take the necessary steps. With extensive awareness, it will become much easier and faster to detect the disorder.

In conclusion, autism is a disorder that appears a few months after the child is born. The first symptoms may be detected at six months and one may have a precise answer of the presence of autism when the child is three years old. The ongoing emphasis on autism awareness will greatly help in identifying the disorder soon enough so that necessary measures may be taken to ensure the child has an easy time growing us.

To know more about Autism and spread the Autism Awareness Click here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ishan_Goradiya

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Autism Intervention - An Intervention That Can Work Wonders For Your Child

Misbehavior is often interpreted as a child's way of seeking attention. But, in the state of affairs of autistic children, this is spontaneous, not deliberate. Almost us who is diagnosed of autism has a number of challenging behaviors that prevent them based on information from functioning normally. Autism Intervention

These behaviors may range based on data from self-injurious this type of as hitting oneself or deciding on one's own skin, utterly odd like continuous hand flapping and spinning, and really precarious such as kicking. However astronomical these behaviors may seem, they can be, in fact, set for the duration of a therapy called behavior therapy.

Behavior therapy is a technique that focuses on a wide variety of methods covered by Applied Behavior Analysis or ABA. Although it is a relatively new concept in Psychology and an experimental one at that, studies have shown that it is an effective treatment
method for autism. Autism behavioral therapy focuses on correcting behaviors based on the main factors observed in ABA - stimulus, response, and reward which can be defined quantifiably.

Through observation of behaviors, experts try to create proper measures that can help discourage the repetition of unwanted behavior and establish a new set of behaviors that are favorable to the patient. Autism behavioral therapy roots from the concept that all spectrum of behaviors, autistic or otherwise, can be understood and modified, regardless of their nature and occurrence, to the needs of the individual performing the problem behaviors and the people he affects through his behavior. Autism Intervention

It works by observing the typical behaviors of the autistic child in normal settings. His activities, emotions, and reactions and responses to things and activities are important information that are studied. From these, the behavioral specialist will create interventions to improve what needs to be improved and reinforce behaviors that are good.

These interventions are based on six methods usually used to support patients of autism. In summary these include: Reinforcement procedures which encourage repetition of desirable behaviors and discourage the performance of unwanted behaviors:

* Systematic instruction to teach patients new skills like communication, functional life, and social skills.

* Maintenance of behaviors through introducing self-monitoring procedures.

* Application of behaviors from one setting to another.

* Restriction of settings and conditions that can interfere with positive behaviors. Autism Intervention

* Reduction of interfering behaviors. Don't let your child suffer anymore! Lead your child out of his world through Autism Intervention program now!

Autism Spectrum Dsm IV - Re-Examining the Brain and Autism

Autism spectrum disorders or pervasive developmental disorders involve impairments in reciprocal social interactions as well as restricted repetitive patterns of behavior in the absence of obvious intellectual dysfunction. Even while the individual pathophysiology of autism will be to be established, it has been widely accepted that the state strongly impact central nervous method function. Autism Spectrum Dsm IV

Of the brain units too have kept on proposed to play a crucial role in the neurobiology of the clinical characteristics of autism, the contribution of the amygdala is truly convincing. It is the impairments of autistic individuals to process emotional and social hints who has left various well being service institutions to hypothesize an association of the amygdala and autism. Brain imaging studies show abnormalities in the amygdala in affected individuals.

Conversely, most neuropathological results were non-specific and brain volumetric studies have been, for the most part, inconsistent. More significantly, researches assessing the participation of the amygdala failed to report associations with autism related behavioral and emotional impairments. Information on such correlations would be specifically supportive in providing information on whether the amygdala dysfunction is relevant to the etiology of autism; that is if they are indeed accurate pathophysiological mediator of autism. Autism Spectrum Dsm IV

Functional neuroimaging involving autistic individuals show less amydgala activation when inferring mental states, interpreting facial emotional expressions or in response to changing task demands in a mental task (Wang et al., 2004), as compared to normal persons. Presently, no efforts have been made to determine the relationship between the amygdala to the diagnostic features of autism spectrum disorders according to the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders version IV (DSM-IV) and the International Classification of Diseases version 10 (ICD-10).

Although autistic symptomatologies include impairments social cognition and emotion recognition, which are representative of a diagnostic cluster in DSV-IV and ICD-10, they are not fundamental parts of the psychiatric diagnosis of autism. A study investigated the direct relationship between amygdala function and autism in affected individuals (Dziobek et al., 2005). Patients with autism and normal controls were examined using brain imaging techniques derived amygdala volume and behavioral factors of emotion and social functioning and results of both groups were then compared to gain insight on the association between these to variables.

Results show that patients with autism manifested dysfunction in emotional and social functioning as compared to normal individuals. They also showed an uncharacteristic association between amygdala volumes and overall head dimension. Positive associations were found between social and emotional understanding and amygdala volume in unaffected individuals, but this was not the case in patients with autism. Autism Spectrum Dsm IV

Interestingly, when correlating amygdala volume with general brain size for the groups separately, there was a significant positive trend for normal individuals, while there was only a weak negative association in autistic patients. Volumetric analyses did not yield significant differences between the groups. Results indicated that in autism, the amygdala is not a key mediator for social and emotional functioning. Don't let your child suffer anymore! Lead your child out of his world through Autism Spectrum Dsm IV program now!

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Autism Spectrum Dsm IV is a proven Autism Solution for you!

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Causes For Autism - Autism Causes and Risk Factors That Most People Know Nothing About

Autism is brand of pervasive developmental disorder this makes children and even good to the adulthood the child among autism exhibits behaviors that may not be the predictions of the child his or her age. Causes For Autism

This article looks as if it's at some of the equals of the condition. There are so many causes of autism and some of these are risk factors, but of course knowledge of them can help you to deal with condition. You will need to confirm from your doctor some of these risk factors as some are highlighted in this article.

The cause of autism has been attributable to the exposures of or intake of certain diets. The possibility of a child being a victim is high if he or she takes diet that contains some levels of gluten. Also, autism has been said to be caused by the intake of certain vaccine in the earlier years of the child's life. Causes For Autism

Also, it has been observed that the chance of a child being afflicted with autism is higher if one or both of the parents were autistic. Thus, having a family history of those with autism is a risk factor and cause of autism in many people. This is true and the result of many years of autism studies have shown that the genes can be transferred. Causes For Autism

The above factors form some of the theories about what causes autism. But ensure you talk to your doctor about any of these before jumping into any conclusions. No matter how much you have read or how much you think you know, your doctor surely knows more than you. Don't let your child suffer anymore! Lead your child out of his world through Causes For Autism program now!

About the Author

Causes For Autism is a proven Autism Solution for you!

Try Essential Guide To Autism and live your family life normally right now!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Gluten Free Or Not Gluten Free - Autism

Good nutrition equals good health. People with autism or on the spectrum have a hard time with nutrition. Individuals who have autism have distinct likes and dislikes controlled by their dysfunctional senses. This makes good nutrition a struggle, having negative consequences for the person with autism or PPD's over all health. Most people on the autism spectrum have a normal IQ. With poor nutrition, many with autism spectrum can not function normally. Persons with autism and PPD love the crunchy McDonald Chicken Nuggets and French fires--or the Tyson chicken nuggets. For many with autism spectrum disorder, this is the only thing that they will eat, which offers very little nutritional value. Also, pop, and the fizz in their mouth, is something someone with autism loves, loving the sensation in their mouth.

With the food they eat being so poor in nutritional value, and without a variety of food (nor all the groups of food), the person with autism's body can not receive the proper nutrients or calories for growth, body function, and brain function. The question is then: what do you do as a parent/caregiver, to help you loved one with autism? Gluten free has been the diet of choice to "cure" autism. This would be fine if the person with autism or PPD would eat anything and was not selective about their food. The person with autism will not eat anything; the person with autism will eat hardly anything, making it hard to impossible for people with autism and PPD to eat gluten free. The senses of taste, smell, and touch are high in the person with autism and PPD, as a caregiver tries to sneak in the foods that have no gluten; the microscope of the person with autism will analyse it and reject it.

Therefore, a parent or caregiver must choose the best route for the person with autism or PPD when it comes to diet, so the person with autism will be healthy in years to come. A celiac test will tell a person if they are allergic to gluten. Most children have this test at birth. If the test does not show a positive for gluten allergy, a gluten allergy is not present. Without a positive celiac test, "curing" autism (or anything else except a gluten allergy) with a diet that has no gluten has no scientific evidence as a cure. Going without gluten, yeast, or dairy has not been tested by science. Science (trial and studies) has not documented these diets as a cure for autism and PPD; therefore, to take these things out of the person with autism's diet only leads to poor nutrition. Individuals feel that they should try to cure autism at any cost and try anything that may work with scientific backing or not. I can not agree with this, since the cost of "hit or miss" experimentation is usually "too high" (a loss of life or damage to a body system). If a caregiver would rather have the calories and a relationship with the person with autism, a gluten diet is best. If a caregiver would rather have no calories and a poor relationship with the person with autism ,take the gluten out of the diet (fighting at the dinner table with a child/adult who does not have enough calories to support their body functions - I think they call it starvation).

Taking gluten out of the person with autism's diet, is dangerous and an unsafe fight. How could it be dangerous? Starvation is dangerous, especially in a child. With a child who has PPD or autism, they are lacking nutrition and they don't get enough calories. With this observation, their bodies are not getting what they need - so adding another restriction to their already self restricted diet may make nutrition through calories almost impossible. If a person with autism eats well and will eat everything, a caregiver still needs to see if they are up to the demands of a gluten free diet. These specialty diets cost more dollars. If a loved one is picky and puts everything through his microscope, feed him/her what you can and hope what he is eating is not effecting his behavior. Remember, gluten, dairy, casein, and yeast free do not work in all children with autism (the advice from many on the internet). Also, there is no scientific evidence that a diet free of these valuable nutrients works in curing autism and PPD.

As a medical professional, what I would choose for children or adults with autism is a good multivitamin along with a good calcium supplement, and for them to eat a balanced diet to grow strong. I would choose a soft gel supplement so I could put a pin in it and squeeze it into any beverage. I would make sure the supplement was right for the person, and that it was a whole food so it would not smell and I would not have to worry about anything else being added to my loved one's system. Feeding the person with autism calories as often as he liked would be my goal if he is a poor picky eater. As long as the person with autism received the daily minerals and vitamins he required, if he wanted candy, I give him candy. Just for the calories, using good supplements would cover the nutrition. I try to feed him every two hours and make sure he gets in at least 2000 calories a day (or the calorie amount the doctor ordered).

Nutrition is something that all children and adults need so they can function, along with calories to give them energy. The calories gives the body energy so the body has the energy to transport nutrients to live (their heart to beat, their brain to think, their lungs to breath, and their body to function). A fireplace will not work without wood or natural gas; a person's body will not work or function without the fuel of calories. Good nutrition and calories can not exist in the body without the other.

If you'd like to read more of Cheryl Zmijewski's RN work, her blog is ( http://cheryl-zmijewski.com ). - copyright 2011 Cheryl Zmijewski RN.

Cheryl Zmijewski RN has been a nurse for 15 years plus. She has a son who has autism spectrum disorder. Good nutrition and developing talents in people with autism, spectrum disorder, and PPD, is what her blog is about. Her blog exploring autism is: http://www.cheryl-zmijewski.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cheryl_Zmijewski

Autism and Families - The Lighter Side

I owe my ability to laugh at almost any obstacle to my brothers. When your family has autism in it, you have to laugh. Sometimes that is the only option. My brother Lance was diagnosed with autism and bi-polar disorder at a very young age. This combination gives you an OCD, manic depressive, non sleeping, sensory deprived child. Sounds like fun right?

Lance was an escape artist. He was never running away, he was always going to the park, looking for the "yellow dragons" (construction equipment), or looking for his Dad. We had alarms on his bedroom door and his window (on the second floor) was nailed shut and the handle was removed. This was done after he found a way to open the window and jumped out, twice! The first time he got out at night he was picked up by the police. When we discovered he was gone it was mass panic. Mom called the police while Dad and I searched the neighborhood. The police brought him home, he was fine. They would have brought him home sooner, but when they asked Lance what his name was, he answered very sincerely, "Pinocchio". The police officer then asked what his Daddy's name was, which Lance logically replied "Geppetto". Needless to say the officer did not have a home address for Pinocchio or Geppetto.

One night, Lance was about 10 years old, he would not go to sleep. He was having a bi-polar episode which made his emotions swing from one extreme to another. Screaming and punching walls to manic laughter. He finally grew quiet and everyone was able to go to sleep In the middle of the night he woke up Mom and Grandma, who was visit from Oregon at the time,yelling that he was stuck. Mom got to the room first and found Lance dangling from the window sill. He had somehow gotten his window slightly open and tried to climb out, all he was able to get through the small gap was one foot, the rest of him was hanging upside down. Grandma kept yelling "call 911, call 911!" Mom disappeared into her room, Grandma thought she was calling 911 until Mom reappeared with the handle to Lance's window.

After much ado Lance was finally freed with very little damage. Not feeling like they could trust Lance in his room alone again, Mom and Grandma place him on the couch with his blanket, watching him sleep while they got none. The next morning Lance woke up happy as a lark. He turned to Grandma and said, "Grandma, what a pretty nightgown." Completely exhausted they could laugh or cry, they chose to laugh, a lot.

When autism and families are together laughter is the best medicine.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Cargile

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How Can a Speech and Language Therapist Help My Child to Talk?

The fact is that all children are born not knowing how to talk. While this may sound like a ridiculous statement, it is made to underscore a very important fact and that is that your child must learn to speak a language in his or her first four or five years of life. Granted, they won't speak eloquently but the fact that they learn what they do is quite amazing in its self.

So Much more is Now Known

So if your child is saddled with a speech impediment, no matter how sever, it's making an already difficult task that much harder. So is there cause for alarm because after all, things like minor lisps and stutters are quite common and for the most part all do pass with time. Even so, is it fair to the child when so much is now known about therapies that can assist your child in overcoming a childhood speech impediment.

Long Term Social and Psychological Implications

Always bear in mind that also it can be very detrimental in the long run for any child to look, act or sound different than his or her peers. So even if a speech impediment is mild and your child is making improvements on his or her own, it is important that you as a parent do what you can to hasten the recovery process. After all with all that is now known it just makes too much sense not to take advantage of it.

Effective Treatments for Stuttering

Take stuttering as an example. This is a mysterious speech impediment that can pass on its own in small children with time alone or it can become a problem that can carry on long into adulthood. Today more than ever before new discoveries are finally unlocking the doors that lead to its cure and one of these new therapies centers around relaxation methods.

Relaxation Therapies Do Work

You see, the truth is that most stutterers can in fact speak perfectly under certain circumstances and pretty much virtually all of them can sing perfectly as well. Intensive research into understanding why this is so has been underway for some time. New treatments basically teach the person to relax and duplicate the conditions that they talk perfectly under. Of course it does take time and commitment but these methods are achieving results.

Other Effective Treatment Methods

Other new Therapy Methods involve basically re-teaching a child to talk again from the beginning. Sound odd? Well it all basically involves teaching a child or adult a new way of talking very slowly. Now the fact is that when talking in a slow controlled fashion most people who normally stutter speak quit well.

It Takes Time and Commitment

Of course the patient is not left to talk this way the rest of their lives. Rather, once they're trained to talk slowly and without a stutter, they are then taught again to gradually begin to pick up the pace of their speech. Eventually if all goes well, in time they'll be back to conversing at a normal speed only without the stutter. Once again this method does take time and commitment but when done correctly it does produce results.

Pauls Harrisons writes for Integrated Treatment Services. Offering Speech and Language Therapist services throughout the UK. Visit their website for more details.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pauls_Harrisons

Why Speech and Language Therapy Doesn't Give Us The Results We Want and What to Do About It

Speech and language therapy or any traditional treatments for stuttering is probably the first treatment alternative we choose to go with when it comes to eliminating our stuttering problem. Most of us (me included) start this "the journey of hope to get rid off stuttering" with speech and language therapy. It might be a private SLP(Speech Language Pathologist), a well known speech therapy program or a speech therapy clinic in our city or university. In my case, I tried ALL of them with either NO or TEMPORARY results.

To be honest I never heard a PWS telling me "I went through speech therapy when I was on my twenties for the first time and I overcame my stuttering".

Is this a coincidence?

I don't think so.

Does that mean speech and language therapy sucks and has no value?

No, that isn't the case either.

So, what is it?

Why does that happen? After all, speech and language therapy has been around for years and the sessions are held by professional speech and language therapists.

The reason is one of the below... if not both.

1- The specific speech and language therapy program you chose to attend was not good enough.

The traditional speech therapy techniques and applications might be very similar in general but your speech and language pathologist and his/her skills are critical and plays a huge role in your success when it comes to achieving your desired outcome.

You and your stuttering iceberg need to be ANALYZED and UNDERSTOOD very well. If you don't feel understood and instead you feel more like a "one fits all" straight forward approach are being used on you, then there is a high chance that you'd lose interest in the program and you stop believing that he/she can help you.

What I am trying to say here is that the name "speech and language therapy" should NOT be enough for you to make a decision. WHO you are going to work with and whether they involve the psychological aspect of stuttering in the stuttering treatment or not are extremely IMPORTANT factors which you should definitely take into consideration before you make a decision.

2- You simply were not ready for the change.

It might not be the right time for you... or the way you approach the problem may not be right... meaning it is not supporting the effective use of those speaking techniques.

This is mainly about the MENTAL side of the equation and it is closely related to the inner game of stuttering. Before going through speech and language therapy or any traditional treatments for stuttering, your expectations should be set right and realistically.

One of the WORST mistakes we make is going through a speech therapy program with the expectation of curing our stutter in a very short period of time by learning traditional speech therapy tools and techniques. You might think that those physical techniques are the solutions which will bring you fluency the next day, but in reality they are only tools which will help you to take YOURSELF to fluency.

I can hear you saying;

"OK Chazzler, I understand that those are the possible reasons...

but then tell me what to DO about it"

Here are some tips and advices for you...

--> Do your RESEARCH. If possible, go through a free consultation to meet your speech and language therapist before deciding on anything.

--> Make sure you are in the right MINDSET and you set your expectations and goals right... in a "smart" way!

--> Ask yourself if you are READY to make a CHANGE in your life. If you don't have strong reasons to make it happen for you, then you'll probably will not be able to experience positive permanent results no matter how effective the techniques are.

--> And last but not least, I strongly suggest you to learn about the inner game of stuttering before shooting for any speaking tools and techniques.

One last point is...

Research and get familiar with other solution alternatives on the market today.

Especially now that there are A LOT of those.

You may want to consider them either in CONJUNCTION with your speech and language therapy sessions or just independently as a solution alternative which will take you to your ultimate goal.

...and you might be asking...

What are the most popular solution alternatives on the market today and how do I choose one so I can make sure it'll meet my needs and expectations so I won't end up going through all those frustration when I realized it didn't work again?!

... and I think I may have an answer below to your question.

You can find in depth information and the answers of those questions on the 4th video of my 5-part FREE Video eCourse. You may want to get a FREE full copy of my "How To Overcome Stuttering The Right Way and Speak The Way You Want To Speak In Every Situation" 5-part Video eCourse.

Also feel free to visit my blog for articles, audios, videos and a lot more on stuttering.

All the best,

Chazzler DiCyprian

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chazzler_DiCyprian

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Learn What Your Autistic Child Is Doing During Recess

I was curious, so I went to a school to observe recess for autistic children. You may have a concern, and ask the question, what is your autistic child doing during recess? I observed and watched the children, and was amazed how some of them felt isolated, excluded because they did not know how to socialize or take part in activities that were offered.

Recess was developed for children to have a special time to be with their peers, friends, socialize, release tension, recharge their emotions and feel good about the time away from their classroom.

Your child who has autism, is probably not a child who wants to interact with other children during recess and does not always know what to do during that time.

You as parent(s), caregiver(s), may want to make a visit to the school your child attends, that offers recess, make notes of how your child acts, reacts, responds and socialize with other peers.

Taking this measure of evaluation and observing your child, you will understand what some of the issues are and what your child is doing during recess. For example:

* Your child with autism may not know what recess is, what to do or how to interact with other children. You as parent(s), caregiver(s), will want to observe other children who do not have autism. Those children will probably run around and enjoy various games, talk with their friends and participate with their friends. Therefore, after observing your child, he or she may need special instructions to understand what to do during recess.

* Your child might not be able to follow proper rules that are enforced during recess or is rebellious against the rules.

* Many autistic children are not able to understand why other children are interacting and having fun. Children with autism will sometimes stand away or at a distance from other children and watch what is going on, without participating. They may run, walk in front of a line, when instructed to line up, because they do not understand what acceptable behavior is.

* There are teachers who give instructions before recess, as what to do, wear proper clothing, or how to participate when given new rules. Your child who has autism might get confused and not have an understanding of what was given from the teacher, to be applied during recess.

* If there is a fire drill or an emergency that might happen, for example: Severe weather, change in schedule, new policies, new equipment, brighter lights, more noise, loud voices, running, your child may experience struggling with these changes and not recognize the difference, during recess.

If your child is having difficulties during recess, it is imperative to talk to his or her teacher, visit the school at recess, and find out if there are policies for children with autism who may struggle with interaction with their peers.

You and the teacher of your child can be creative with new positive suggestions that will enable your child to enjoy recess. In time he or she, will understand what it is for and how to participate, socialize with other peers.

Recess can be a joyous and a fun time. Are you willing to take responsibility and find out what your child is doing during recess? Will you listen to your child, if he or she is having a struggle during recess? Are you going to take the time and make suggestions to the teacher of your child for improvements, if your child is not enjoying recess? Will you give your child encouragement and not discouragement if changes have to be made?

Explain, communicate to your child, and to his or her teacher, that recess is a positive time for enjoyment, also to relax if need be.

Bonita Darula's informational web sight==> http://www.autismintoawareness.com is where you SIGN up and RECEIVE your FREE WEEKLY NEWSLETTER with updated topics regarding what is your autistic child doing during recess? In addition, crucial updated NEW E-Books that identify the symptoms of Autism and treatment options. Check it out.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bonita_Darula

Communicating With Your Autistic Child

Hi parents,
Learning to communicate with anyone can be challenging at times and yet it is a skill that is crucial to life. Communicating with children, who don't think in the same way that adults do, may be even harder. One of the primary distinguishing features of autism is that these children have severe trouble with communication and social interaction. This makes it even more important to learn good communication skills and to learn how to communicate in a way that will truly help the child.

Treating autistic children with respect is a key factor in communicating with them, but there is much more to it than that. Good communication with your autistic child has two functions.

1. It helps to create a good and healthy relationship between you and your child.
2. It helps to reach your child when it may be otherwise difficult to get her attention or to have her change her behavior. Knowing how to communicate with your autistic child so that she really understands and so that you really understand her takes practice and it requires you to understand how you child takes in information.

Of course, there is another facet to communicating with your autistic child - the severity of the disorder. If your child is only mildly autistic with somewhat well-developed language skills or has Asperger syndrome, in which the child does have strong language skills, then communication is going to be much easier. However, if you child is severely autistic, then you will have to work much harder at determining how best to communicate with her.

Consider the human mind as a computer system, complete with all the hardware and software required for it to run efficiently. In a healthy human brain all the hardware and software is up-to-date and working just fine. In the brain of an autistic child, the software may be outdated and the hardware is incomplete. There may be missing circuits so that messages are not getting to the hard drive properly and there may be keys missing from the keyboard, which makes it difficult for anyone to input the messages in the first place.

In a mildly autistic child, most of the hardware is probably working and intact, which allows for relatively easy communication. However, in severely autistic children there are so many keys and circuits missing that it is really difficult to communicate with the hard drive. Depending on where your child falls on this spectrum, communication is going to be easier or more difficult. However, it is possible.

You have probably heard at some point that every child, every person for that matter, has a specific learning style. This is because each person has what is called a primary sense system. "Primary sense system?" you say. Let me explain. The human senses of sight, hearing, and touch are more important than you might think. These senses are the key ingredients in learning and conveying information. It's true! And what's even more important is that, while people use all three sense systems to a degree, each and every person has one of these sense systems that operates as the primary sense system. Some people are visual (V), some are audio (A), and some are feeling or kinesthetic (K).

Even autistic children have a primary sense system. In general, all young children tend to be at least somewhat kinesthetic, but their primary sense system will begin to dominate by the time they reach school age. When it comes to autistic children, research shows that they operate primarily out of the visual. However, they also tend to respond well to music as an auditory stimulus. Autistic children also tend not to like being touched, which is one of the early signs in infants to suggest that autism is present. How do you determine your autistic child's primary sense system? There is a very easy method to determine this and it can be used on mildly autistic children who have fairly well-developed language skills.

You can determine the primary sense system of your child simply by listening to the way she talks. Really, it's that easy. All you have to do is pay attention to the predicates used. These descriptive words will fall in line with one of the sense systems. If your autistic child went for a walk in the forest how might she describe it? Would she talk about what she saw, what she heard, or what she felt? After all, your child's primary sense system is part of her filter, part of what forms her perception of the world.

Do you like this positive strategy with communicating to your autistic child? please comment on my website

Rachael Mah is a Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practioner and Coach. Rachael's passion is to help parents and teachers to coach their children and students to succeed in life as individuals. Please visit http://www.motivateschoolkids.com for the FREE Report and valuable details.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rachael_Mah

Does MMR Cause Autism?

Do MMR vaccines cause autism?

The answer based on current research is NO. The association between MMR vaccines and Autism can be traced to the late 1980s, when it was noticed that there has been an increase in the number of autism being diagnosed. Rates from that time were almost double previous years and individuals started looking at the possible causes of autism. Among the earliest link between MMR vaccines and autism stems from an article done in the UK in 1998. In it, it suggested that the the vaccine introduced a series of events (colon inflammation, release of proteins) that lead to changes in the brain causing autism. In February 2010, that study was retracted after investigation showed that the physician involved in the research was paid by lawyers planning to sue the vaccine manufacturers, and that he himself was applying for an alternate vaccine. The doctor was found to be falsifying results with the intentions of profiting of it. In 2010, the doctor was stripped of his right to practice medicine.

So where does that leave us today? At this point there is one study done in 2002 that suggests MMR vaccines may contribute to autism. However, it methodology is flawed and numerous follow-up studies contradict those results. Since the initial 1998 research, there have been multiple studies (in excess of 12) with a couple done by the CDC that show no link between these vaccines and autism. It is likely that the rise in diagnoses for autism since the 1990s was caused by the change in the criteria needed to diagnose autism and greater awareness of the illness.

Research exploring the possible relationship between MMR vaccinations and autism is ongoing. To date, no scientific linkage has been established. Numerous large, well designed studies fail to support an association between MMR vaccine and autism.

With no clear evidence of an association between MMR vaccine and autism, and numerous studies supporting the lack of association between the vaccine and autism, it is still recommended for children to get their MMR vaccinations. The use of childhood vaccines has led to a significant decline in childhood diseases that had severe consequences. Declining vaccines because of a theoretical risk, places the child at risk of real infections with real consequences. Of note, as a result of the 1998 study, vaccination for MMR declined from 90% to 80%. Over the last five years, the rate of measles in the UK has risen to endemic levels. Luckily, rates of vaccination in the US have not been significantly changing, although there have been local outbreaks.

George Chai, MD
Hand in Hand Pediatrics
Edgewater, New Jersey

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=George_Chai

Friday, March 18, 2011

Identify Learning Deficits In Autistic Children - Are There Clues?

Are there clues that indicate autistic children identify with having learning deficits? Do they seem to struggle to imitate others? When new skills are being introduced, do they avoid spending time with other individuals? Do autistic children have a difficult time making eye contact or understanding facial expressions in other people? Could these be clues for identifying learning deficits in autistic children?

Children learn and grow by finding out how to interact socially and imitating others. It has been revealed that clues through research and testing, have indicated children with autism have a difficult time learning from others, even their siblings.

I have experienced from my brother who is autistic, that his lack of attention to make eye contact, is a trait that is often present in the early stages of autistic children. They seem to look away from a person, as though the other person was not present.

Some researchers claim to have clues to identify learning deficits. They believe that children with autism struggle with learning. This was determined due to the fact, of their inability to pay attention, focus and the use of poor motor skills.

The researchers and professionals are now understanding that this study has positive hope, because autistic children can develop better social and learning skills from these clues.

Identifying learning deficits in autistic children have revealed clues, that autistic children pay the same amount of attention to instructions given, as children without autism. This clue, discredits the theories that autistic children do not pay as much attention to the tasks or instructions given to them.

I have noticed with the disorder of my brother, that he could perform a task successfully, compared to his siblings. Doing the task, it became easier for him when he took time to study what he was instructed to do. It did not appear that there was an indication of poor motor skills.

Therefore, the clue that lack of motor skills is not the problem to imitate others in autistic children, to learn and grow.

I observed when my brother was with his peers, he would make an effort to look at the person who was giving him the instructions or demonstrating some particular task. But, he made this effort less frequently as repetition became more noticeable.

This clue identified for me, that imitating another individual, is not something that happens because of repetition of an actions, or directions given. It happens when the individual is able to understand the reason the action is being preformed or given to the individual who has autism.

Do you believe these are clues to identify learning deficits in autistic children? If you have an autistic child or know of someone who does, do you observe clues in them that may identify learning deficits?

Bonita Darula's informational web sight==> http://www.autismintoawareness.com is where you SIGN up and RECEIVE your FREE WEEKLY NEWSLETTER with updated topics about learning deficits that are imperative for your Autistic child and you. In addition, updated new E-Books that identify the symptoms of Autism and treatment options. Check it out.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bonita_Darula

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Find Out More About The Numerous Kinds Of Treatment Available For a Child With Asperger Syndrome

Since a child with Asperger Syndrome shows patterns of behaviors and problems that differ widely from others, any typical treatment regimen or medication cannot be prescribed. However, there are several treatments that are proven to help a lot with the child's condition and his development. These include the following:

Parents Education And Training - The parents, aside from being the first teachers are the primary guardians who can reinforce help to a child with Aspergers. It is crucial that they're educated properly with the nature of the kid's condition. Therefore, as a child's parent, you should undergo this type of training so you can even teach your child with Asperger self help abilities. Learning these skills helps children achieve maximum independence.

Social Skills Training - Since a child with Aspergers is having difficulty interacting with other individuals, even with kids of his age, the child must undergo social skills training. As a child's parent, you could start this training by yourself, however it's more advantageous on your part and your child if you ask for the guidance of an expert. Specialized training programs exist for the development of social skills intended for children with Aspergers.

Language Development Programs - Even holding a normal conversation might be difficult for a child with Aspergers. While most individuals learn these skills by observing others, the people with Asperger's Syndrome might need personal coaching using specialized language development programs. For faster development, parents should contribute by teaching the kid to start a conversation in the most approachable manner. Body language and eye-contact are effective approaches which promote connection between the parent and the kid.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Psychological conditions such as Aspergers Syndrome in all ages might be treated utilizing this therapy. This therapy applies approaches designed to modify the way a child thinks, feels and reacts to a situation. It targets the overall behavior of the child, especially the repetitive actions the child often does. A therapist has the capability to establish a connection between him and the child in a way that the child can feel comfortable and conditioned.

Tender Loving Care - Adults, especially the parents, play a significant role in the development of the kid with Aspergers by showing extensive care and love to this kid. Teachers, babysitters, the rest of the family members, close friends, and everyone else must get involved in the training and should sustain strong affection to the child for its faster development. Never let the child feel isolated to its environment. Instead, make the kid feel that it belongs wherever it gets involved with, especially at home and school. And in every action you make, do it with tender loving care.

Access the best Asperger syndrome community to assist with your parenting by going to http://www.parentingaspergerscommunity.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dave_D_Angel

Challenging Behavior: 4 Steps to Turn Things Around

These four steps are a powerful tool you can use to help get past challenging behavior and get your student back on track. Many of us tend to internalize reasons why challenging behavior occurs, "I shouldn't have tried that." On the other hand, it can also be tempting to use circumstances as an explanation, "He's always had a tough time with that." Focusing on these four steps when inappropriate or challenging behavior occurs can help you effect change and get on to teaching!

1) Stay calm!
This is easier said than done but a reaction from you will most likely reinforce the previous inappropriate behavior of the student. One way to tell if getting your attention is the goal of the challenging behavior is to look for eye-contact. When your student is making eye-contact during or immediately after the challenging behavior this could indicate attention seeking behavior.

2) Identify what reinforcer your student wants.
If your student is continuously distracted by something or trying to play with a certain toy, then it is fairly obvious that this is what he wants to be reinforced with. On the other hand, at times it can be very hard to tell what your student wants because they may have challenges communicating just what that is. In this case I find it helps to have a list of possible reinforcers that they can choose from. Another option would be to give them a little space (at the appropriate time {see the following steps}) and see what they choose to do on their own.

3) Get the student back on track.
Most teachers of students with special needs have experience with delivering a calm statement such as, "No" or "That's not appropriate". Deliver this statement, and then move them along. You may need to adjust your expectations- in other words, if you were attempting to have your student read an entire page, try having them read a few sentences or paragraphs instead. Do not drastically reduce your expectations though, since this might reinforce the inappropriate behavior if the root cause is task avoidance. If you've done your best, and the tantrum continues, deliver another calm, unenthusiastic statement like, "When you read nicely you can be all done." Continue doing this until your student calms down. This takes a lot of practice and focus but do your best to follow through here.

4) Deliver the reinforcer.
You have helped your student through the task, they have gotten back on track and they have calmed down. Now you can completely switch your demeanor, and deliver that reinforcer that you determined they wanted in step 2. It may be tempting to deliver the reinforcer before step 3 occurs, but this may result in an increase in the behavior! After following these procedures and helping your student be successful, pay close attention to your rate of reinforcement and consider increasing it for this skill.

About the author:

Mr. Jeffrey Young is the President and Founder of Innovative Piano, Inc. Mr. Young has published over 17 books dealing with music and autism. To learn more about the author and the program please visit http://www.innovativepiano.com/

Innovative Piano, Inc.

Offering piano lessons for students with autism - Nationwide! http://www.innovativepiano.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeffrey_A_Young

What an Increase in Stimming May Indicate About Your Current Treatment For Autism

As parents work to find effective treatments for autism, many of the usual symptoms their children display will continue. In the majority of cases, this often includes some form of 'stimming'. Stimming is an extremely common autism symptom that includes certain repeated behaviors or movements. These behaviors are self-stimulating and consist of repetitive behaviors that are performed to stimulate the senses. Examples of stimming include clapping, running in circles, humming, or manipulating objects (such as bending straws or ripping paper).

Though stimming behaviors may appear to be unnecessary or even unsuitable to some situations, they're not done to draw attention or to disrupt. Instead, stimming behaviors are often used in order to decrease the stress levels of the child performing them. As autism causes children to react atypically to sensory stimuli, they often use stimming to help to deal with their sensory issues.

Rocking is another kind of stimming behavior that is common among autistic children. Many autistic children feel that rocking back and forth allows them to reestablish a sense of focus when they feel overly sensitive to the stimulus from their surroundings. It can also help with concentration and focus.

Though it is more obvious in autistic children, non-autistic children and adults also participate in forms of stimming. Consider the number of times you've seen someone drumming their fingers, tapping their pencil, fidgeting with paper, or bounced a knee when sitting down. Anxiety tends to worsens these behaviors. Though behaviors such as biting nails or whistling are often done involuntarily, they do help us to keep control over our emotions and calm us down in tense situations. As children with autism usually find stressors in more of the stimuli in their environment, they often 'stim' regularly throughout the day and especially when placed into a new environment.

If you find that your child's level of stimming increases in line with the introduction of new of more frequent treatments there could be a number of reasons for this.

1. They are looking for reassurance as they learn something new

2. The situation is stressful for them so they are retreating to what is familiar - the stimulatory behavior

3. They don't like the change to their routine that the new or increased frequency of treatment is introducing.

Of course these reasons aren't the only ones. However, the key is to monitor behavior and see if the stimming levels out, increases further or decreases as the treatment program progresses.

It is also important to keep in mind that stimming behaviors can turn into obsessions. When identifying characteristics for treatment for autism, divide your child's stimming into two groups: excitatory and calming.

Stimming that is calming is the kind that helps your autistic child to regain focus when feeling stress or anxiety. On the other hand excitatory stimming sends your child's focus in a negative direction.

An example of excitatory stimming could be when an autistic child gets wound up and instead of smiling and giggling, he or she might start clapping, running, or yelling. This can be detrimental behavior as it encourages behaviors that can be inappropriate and are not conducive for effective learning.

Stimming may also be an attachment to specific objects. Though most small children will often have a favorite toy such as a doll or blanket, in the case of autistic children they may struggle give up their attachment to this object. It may be something that they like to smell, look at, hear, or touch.

Stimming can also take the form of organizing things. For example, an autistic child may self-stimulate by placing things in order, lining them up, or stacking things. This, like other stimming behaviors, can easily become an obsession.

Stimming habits can be very challenging to break as they are often relaxing and enjoyable and provide a coping mechanism for an autistic child. As a parent you will need to decide what stimming behavior is acceptable both in terms of the action itself and frequency. Bear in mind that trying to stop all stimming could be very stressful for your child. So concentrate on the behaviors that are excitory or inappropriate and leave the calming or harmless activities alone.

When considering a treatment for autism for your child, make sure that the doctor or specialist is aware of all of your child's stimming behaviors so that they can be properly addressed. Keep in mind that stimming often differs from one form of autism to the next.

Grab your free copy of Rachel Evans' brand new Autism Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover the most effective treatment for autism and for information on autism repetitive behaviors please visit The Essential Guide To Autism blog.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rachel_Evans