Sunday, October 23, 2011

What Is Autism Disorder? Facts and Fiction

t is hoped by many parents of autistic children that once the causes of autism are discovered, this condition will be curable and perhaps even prevented. Unfortunately medical research has been unable to isolate the primary cause of autism amongst children. Perhaps in the future autism disorder will be associated with a specific gene abnormality or a group of interrelated factors within a child's genetic makeup.As things stand today, autism disorder cannot be prevented nor is there a cure. Given this reality, the very best thing we can do as a society is to be supportive of children and adults with autism and be willing to do what we can to make them feel comfortable and accepted. An important starting point is to identify what is factual information and what are myths about the causes of autism disorder.
Myth 1: Poor parenting causes autism in children. This is totally false. There is no valid research to support this claim about poor parenting skills leading to children developing autism disorder.
Myth 2: Autism is caused by poor eating habits. Once again there is no medical evidence to show that autism disorder is brought about by what you eat. Some autistic children do have food allergies or benefit from vitamin supplements however these are conditions that may be accented by having this disorder and certainly not the cause according to current research and theory.
Myth 3: Vaccinations cause autism. Currently there is on-going research into these claims, however without any concrete evidence to show a clear link between vaccinations and autism, it is still much safer to protect your child against disease and illness with a vaccination than it is to put them at risk by not having vaccinations due to fears it may lead to autism.
The exposing of the above myths surround autism begs the question as to "what is the cause of autism in children and adults"? Here are some facts about autism disorder:
  • Current research and theory around autism focuses on strong links between autism disorder and the way the brain operates. For example, there is evidence to support the fact that autistic people have larger brains and their brains appear to be "hard wired" differently than a normal brain. Without getting into specific details, for the purpose of this article, it is sufficient to say that these brain differences exist in many areas of the brain and therefore can be viewed in simplistic terms as an overall brain malfunction is somehow bringing about the autism disorder in the individual.
  • Another characteristic of many autistic children and adults are health problems brought on by an immune deficiency. As with vaccinations, this is another area of ongoing research. Cases of autism are often found to exist within the family tree of the parents plus there have been instances of parents having more than one autistic child. Immune deficiency problems combined with the occurrence of autism within family trees have some people thinking that finding a cure of autism may be through genetic research.
Without a doubt, autism disorder is a very complex problem that will require much more research which will hopefully provide us with better treatment alternatives in the future and perhaps one day, even a cure. In the meantime, parents and society in general, need to become better educated about autism disorder. The more we know about autism, the better we can help and support those individuals who are afflicted with this condition.
Take action now to find out more about what is autism disorder and learn to help your child and yourself as a concerned parent or an adult dealing with autism. Visit our website now to learn more about the types of autism and much more. Articles on autism, videos and links to other resources including books on autism.
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Trying to Understand Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (also referred to as Autism Spectrum Conditions, Autism Spectrum, and Autism) is something that six out of every thousand children in the United States have been diagnosed with. Many times this condition is very misunderstood and some parents don't even truly understand what the signs of it are.
During this article, you'll learn more about Autism Spectrum Disorder, its symptoms, and how it's managed. At the time that this article was written, all of the information provided below was scattered around the internet which urged us to bring it into one easy-to-understand article.
What are the different types of Autism Spectrum Disorder?
There are three different primary forms of Autism as well as two uncommon conditions. Over the years it became know that the symptoms aren't always the same and branching it off would help treat Autism Spectrum a lot more efficiently than having one broad diagnosis.
The three main types of Autism are:
Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified
Otherwise referred to as PDD-NOS, this is the moderate form of Autism. It's diagnosed when a patient doesn't have as severe of a case as Autistic Disorder and it's not as severe as Asperger's Syndrome.
Asperger Syndrome
Asperger's Syndrome is the least severe form of Autism. It's also commonly referred to as high functioning Autism since it causes one to talk about their favorite things non-stop. Also, Asperger Syndrome is found three times more often in boys than it's found in girls.
Autistic Disorder
This is the most severe case of Autism which does affect the child with more impairment than the other two forms of Autism that were discussed above.
The two uncommon types of Autism are:
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
This is the most severe form of Autism around. More commonly referred to as CDD by medical professionals, the impairments are extremely severe and could cause seizures. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder is more commonly found in boys than it is girls.
Rett's Syndrome
This type of Autism happens to be one of the rarest forms and is usually caused by genetic mutations. Rett's Syndrome is just about exclusive to girls, meaning that it's very, very rare to find it in boys.The impairments caused by Rett's Syndrome are very severe when compared to the other forms of Autism featured on this page.
What are the signs and symptoms associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Autism is a disorder which is extremely difficult to diagnose. The reason for this is that the symptoms vary from person-to-person and sometimes the symptoms aren't common ones found in most that are diagnosed with Autism.
Some indicators of Autism include:
No attempts to talk or point before a child turns one year old
Constantly lining up toys and/or other items
No single words spoken by 16 months
No two word phrases by two years old
Lack of response when called by their name
Lack of eye contact or poor eye contact
Not being socially responsive
Lack of a smile
Obsessed with certain topics or things
Lack of social relationships with others
Specific routines that aren't broken
Odd use of language
How is Autism Spectrum Disorder managed?
While there is no real cure for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder there are routes that you can take to help a child deal with Autism. Children with Autism should get treatment at as early of an age as possible.
One of the most common problems among Autistic children is that it can be extremely difficult for them to learn how to talk. To help a child with Autism overcome this, therapists will use sign language and pictures to help the child understand the concept of spoken language.
Therapy can also help children learn things like living skills and interacting with others. These are two more common issues that children with Autism are forced to face and over the years people have been trained to enhance the learning experience when it comes to these things.
Autism Spectrum Disorder Summary
Autism Spectrum isn't the easiest thing for a child or parent to live with, but thankfully there are more options to help manage Autism than there used to be. With it being so common among children, it's critical to know that the treatments are changing to make life better for the child as well as their parents.
For other great articles and information about autism spectrum disorder you can visit our website where your comments and suggestions as well as any articles or stories you wish to share are always welcome.
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Friday, October 21, 2011

How Can Your Life Improve At Home With An Autistic Child?

I am almost positive your life at home can be extremely draining and frustrating, living with an autistic individual. How can you change and improve this? One way for you to improve your life at home is, keep your family strong.

You can do this by supporting and helping each person understand the dynamics of autism within your family.

Explain to your children who are younger and who do not have autism, what the disorder is, what to expect and the various complexities of autism.

Allow your family members to know and understand that there may be unexpected challenges and changes within your home, but it will improve with time. Give explanations of how it will change.

As parent(s), caregiver(s), you may be tempted or think you can improve your life at home by trying to be a strong person and make the changes by yourself, without any help.

You may feel you need to be strong for everyone in your family and you must know what to do and have all of the answers.

If you choose this approach, you will be putting yourself and your family under more pressure and stress. It will not improve your family life at home.

Reach out to support groups, counselors, other families who have individuals with the disorder of autism in their family.

Taking this kind of action, will improve your family life. It will help your family and you to cope with physical, emotional, and financial issues that can affect your whole family in the present and in the future.

I have learned, by having a brother who is autistic, it was imperative for me to gain knowledge and education about autism, and stay current with the new approaches and research. This will bring positive changes for improving your life at home.

In addition, keep communication open with all of your family members. Discuss new therapies, updates, treatments, improvements for your autistic individual and areas where there needs to be progress, or various approaches. Be aware of these options. This will improve your family life at home.

I feel it is crucial to have weekly family meetings. If not weekly, every two weeks or once a month, depending on the schedule of your family. Doing this, keeps the communication open for discussion and keeps your family alert, by bringing their concerns to these meetings.

Family meetings will also bring your family closer together and give a better understanding of how feelings, emotions, facts, concerns, can improve family life at home.

It is crucial not to be afraid to ask for help, or advice, and always stay in touch, connected to each family member.

Remember, you are a valuable person. As parent(s), caregiver(s), you must take time for yourself. Schedule some downtime, or fun activities go give yourself some positive reinforcement of energy and a new look on your life. This will improve your family life at home.

There will be days when you will be angry, exhausted, stressed, sad, but if you choose to take action to have your family improve at home, you will be experiencing more good days than bad days, and they will be healthy ones.

Are you willing to make positive changes to improve your family life at home with an autistic individual?

Remember, you will not be able to take of your family and your child, if you do not take care of yourself.

Bonita Darula's informational web sight==> Take action and SIGN up to RECEIVE your FREE WEEKLY NEWSLETTER on Autistic TOPICS. For example: Are you willing to improve your life at home with an autistic child? Order your E-Books to identify symptoms of Autism.

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Retts Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms, Information with Treatment

Rett syndrome is not a degenerative disorder, but rather is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Rett syndrome affects one in every 10,000 to 15,000 live female births. It occurs in all racial and ethnic groups worldwide. Parents later reflected on how it was nearly impossible to comfort them during their episodes. As many as 75% of all girls with RS had been previously diagnosed with the Autism Spectrum Disorder. Adult women with Rett syndrome show many individual differences in the severity of their disability.All women with Rett syndrome are incapable of living independently and require constant care throughout their lives.

Innovative and flexible living arrangements such as group homes are becoming the norm in many cases. There are several treatments options available treat for rett-sydrome. Occupational therapy , physiotherapy, and hydrotherapy may prolong mobility. Medication may be needed for breathing irregularities and motor difficulties, and antiepileptic drugs may be used to control seizures. Some children may require special equipment and aids such as braces to arrest scoliosis, splints to modify hand movements, and nutritional programs to help them maintain adequate weight. Special academic, social, vocational, and support services may also be required in some cases.

Causes of Retts Syndrome

Common Causes and Risk factors of Retts Syndrome

Spontaneous mutation of the X chromosome.

Gne MECP2.

Signs and Symptoms of Retts Syndrome

Common Sign and Symptoms of Retts Syndrome

Language and growth retardation

Slow head growth.


Bone fractures.



Abnormal Breathing.


Treatment of Retts Syndrome

Common Treatment of Retts Syndrome

Drugs may help control some of the symptoms associated with the disorder - such as epileptic seizures.

Orthopedic surgery may be needed for severe cases of scoliosis.

In some cases, physical therapy can help maintain walking skills, and occupational therapy may improve purposeful use of the hands.

Some children may require special equipment and aids such as braces to arrest scoliosis, splints to modify hand movements, and nutritional programs to help them maintain adequate weight.

Therapy has also included administration of levodopa (L-dopa), a precursor of dopamine, or medications that mimic the effects of dopamine (dopamine agonists).

Physical therapy may help to improve balance and the ability to walk, maintain flexibility, and strengthen muscles

Regular monitoring for scoliosis is important to ensure prompt detection and early.

Juliet Cohen writes articles on diseases and conditions and skin disorders. She also writes articles on herbal home remedies.

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Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

Children with Childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD) appear to develop normally for the first two years of life, but then lose skills in areas such as language, play, and bowel control and manifest impaired social interaction and communication associated with restrictive, repetitive, stereotyped behaviors.

This disease and autism are among several developmental disorders known as pervasive developmental disorders or autism spectrum disorders. Childhood disintegrative disorder is also known as Heller's syndrome after the Viennese educator, Theodor Heller, who first described the condition. Childhood disintegrative disorder is perhaps 10 times less common than more strictly defined autism.

It is a rare serious disorder in which a child older than age 3 stops developing normally and regresses to a much lower level of functioning, typically following a serious illness, such as an infection of the brain and nervous system. Childhood disintegrative disorder cannot be specifically treated or cured, and most children, particularly those who are severely retarded, need lifelong care.

Social and emotional development regress, resulting in impaired ability to relate with others. Social interactions become compromised (e.g., aggressiveness, tantrums, withdrawal from peers), as does motor function, resulting in poor coordination and possible awkwardness of gait.

Typically language, interest in the social environment, and often toileting and self-care abilities are lost, and there may be a general loss of interest in the environment. Children with CDD became uninterested in social interaction, and various unusual self-stimulatory behaviors became evident. Over several months, a child with this disorder will deteriorate in intellectual, social, and language functioning from previously normal behavior.


· Loss of social skills

· Loss of bowel and bladder control

· Loss of expressive or receptive language

· Loss of motor skills

· Lack of play

· Failure to develop peer relationships

· Impairment in nonverbal behaviors

· Delay or lack of spoken language

· Inability to start or sustain a conversation

Doctors sometimes confuse this rare disorder with late-onset autism because both conditions involve normal development followed by significant loss of language, social, play and motor skills.

Behavioral changes are followed by loss of communication, social, and motor skills. Behavioral impairments include the repetitive, stereotyped motions and rigid adherence to routines that are characteristic of autism. Behavior modification procedures may be quite useful. Behavior therapy programs may be designed to help your child learn or relearn language, social and self-care skills.

Treatment is the same for autistic disorder (autism) because of the similarity in the two disorders. Treatment can be very difficult and prolonged. Treatment of CDD involves both behavior therapy and medications.

Specific treatment for CDD will be determined by your child's physician based on your child's age, overall health and medical history. Treatment plans are individualized based on each child's symptoms and the level of severity.

Mark Huttenlocker, M.A. is a family therapist who works with parents of strong-willed, out-of-control teens and preteens. If your child is out-of-control and you're at your wits end, then feel free to use Mark as your own personal parent-coach. Get permanent solutions to your child's behavior problems within 15 seconds from now by visiting his website:

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Types of Autism - The Different Types of Autism

There are five distinct types of Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD) that are considered to be related to Autism because of the neuro development portions that have been identified under the Autism Spectrum. They are Autism Disorder, Asperger's Syndrome, Rett's Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDDNOS).

Each of the five disorders are classified as pervasive in nature rather than Specific Development Disorders (SDD) because they are characterized by multiple disabilities in a variety of areas rather than focused on one particular issue. Let's take a brief look at each of the five types of Autism on an individual level. While many of the characteristics may be similar, the differences are distinct enough for them to fall under different categories.

Classic Autism, commonly called Autism, is also sometimes called Kanner's Syndrome after the Psychiatrist Leo Kanner. He studied 11 children at John Hopkins University from 1932 to 1943. He wrote about the common elements found in these children including a lack of emotion, repetitive actions, and problems with their speech formation, their ability to manipulate various objects, learning difficulties, and their levels of intelligence. His studies lead to many others wanting to learn more about the disorder.

Asperger's Syndrome is named after its founder, Hans Asperger. His studies took place in Vienna in 1944. He discovered many individuals had the problems with social skills and repetitive patterns but they did not have trouble with learning or their cognitive abilities. They also portrayed some very exceptional talents or abilities that were considered to be very remarkable. Albert Einstein is a very famous individual who had Asperger's Syndrome.

Dr. Andrease Rett documented what is known As Rett's Syndrome while in Australia in 1965. This is classified as a neuro developmental degenerative disorder. It only affects girls and the degeneration results in them being completely dependent on others for all of their needs. They have some of the symptoms of Autism but they also suffer from muscle lose. Girls with Rett's Syndrome often have very small hands and feet.

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD) is also called Heller's Syndrome after the teacher Theodore Heller. He first described the disorder in 1908. The characteristics include the child having a normal pattern of development but then has a regression of skill as they get older.

Any type of neuro disability that doesn't fall into the above categories is classified as PDDNOS. While individuals in this particular category experience very mild symptoms they suffer greatly in the area of social interactions. The proper diagnosis is necessary so that the proper therapies and techniques can be properly introduced.

If you found this information on Types Of Autism useful, you'll also want to read about Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Some Possible Prenatal Causes of Autism

Autism is on the rise. Today the risk of having a child with autism stands at about 1:110. No one is sure if it is on the rise because of better diagnosis procedures or because of more children being diagnosed. Whatever the reason, it stands that you are more likely to have a child with autism, or know a child of autism than ever before.

While scientists haven't been able to pin down one precise cause of autism, there are several things which occur prenatally which may cause autism. It has also been found that there is a strong genetic element to autism. Studies have found that the chances for a child to have autism increases if there is a sibling or other close blood relative with autism.

None of the prenatal causes for autism have been proven 100% to be a cause of autism, but there is significant information to show that they are linked to autism.

One of those things is parental age. The age of the parents when the child is born has a direct impact on the risk of the child of having autism. It isn't sure yet if it is both parents, or just the mother or father. The reasons for this aren't clear. It could be because or increased complications as a parent gets older, as well as risks of mutations. Unlike other issues where maternal age matters more, in this case paternal age factors in more.

One potential prenatal causes of autism include some viral infections that the mother might have while pregnant. This is because the illness can cause the mother's immune system to go into overdrive. As her immune system goes crazy it can attack the foreign cells baby's body. Congenital rubella syndrome is the most common infection. Rubella, or German measles, is also linked to other things like schizophrenia, as well as blindness and deafness in babies.

There are other environmental things that could cause autism and birth defects. Those things are called teratogens. Some of them a woman has control of, others are beyond control. There are several studies exploring alcohol as one of the causes of autism, as well finding out if it's related to birth defects like fetal alcohol syndrome.

Women who are surrounded by specific chemicals that are found in pesticides have been found to have a higher incidence of autism in their families. In families where there is already a genetic element the chances that a child with end up with autism because of exposure to pesticides and fertilizers increase dramatically.

There are a lot of theories behind what causes autism. These theories are the ones that have the most agreement in the scientific community. There are some others that have been put out there, but not a lot of people are doing studies or believe that they are a significant cause. One of those is fetal exposure to ultrasound. There have been studies that have linked neuron disruption in mice with prolonged exposure to ultrasound. However, there hasn't been any significant human studies done on this subject.

There is no one agreed on cause of autism, but there are many things that can happen prior to birth that can push a child with a predisposition to it into having autism.

Get more information about non-invasive, mild autism treatments at the Life Vessel of the Rockies and see how they can make a difference.

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Medical Treatments for Autism

What are the best treatments for Autism? Regardless of which ones are chosen, the overall goals are:

A) make the autistic person functionally independent, and B) to improve his or her quality of life. There are several types of Western treatments available for Autism. Here are some of the most common ones, along with some of their benefits and drawbacks:

1. Gluten-Free, Casein-Free (GFCF) Diet

Certain types of diets (i.e. gluten-free and casein-free diets) are often used to treat Autism patients. The goal of the GFCF diet is to eliminate the proteins Gluten and Casein from autistic people.


Some clinical studies have indicated that GFCF diets can be somewhat beneficial in treating the various symptoms related to Autism. However, it should be stressed that the results are inconclusive at best.


There is conflicting evidence that there's a link between Autism and digestion disorders. In fact, clinical studies on the issue are somewhat conflicting. It should also be noted that such diets have the potential to cause new health problems.

2. Dietary Supplements

Various types of dietary supplements can be used to treat people with Autism. For example, some studies have suggested that the combination of Vitamin B6 and Magnesium could be beneficial in effectively treating some symptoms of Autism. However, the studies conducted have been limited. Vitamin C might be somewhat beneficial in treating Autism. However, clinical studies have provided limited evidence of that, while high doses of Vitamin C could result in unwanted side-effects. Omega-3 fatty acids are a popular treatment for Autism patients, although clinical studies haven't verified their effectiveness for treating the disorder.


The majority of dietary supplements for treating Autism have fairly mild side-effects. This is certainly a significant benefit over prescription medications, which often cause moderate-to-severe side-effects due to the powerful chemicals they contain.


Minimal research has been conducted on dietary supplements, to determine how effective they are in treating Autism.

3. Prescription Medications

Physicians prescribe several types of medications to treat the symptoms of Autism. In fact, over half of all children in the U.S.A. diagnosed with Autism are prescribed certain types of medications. The most common types are:

antidepressants: used to treat conditions such as depression and anxiety disordersantipsychotics: tranquilizing medication used to treat psychosisstimulants: drugs used to provide improvements in one's physical and/or mental function Pros:

Clinical studies show that certain prescription medications seem to be effective in successfully treating certain types of Autism symptoms, such as irritability, tantrums, and aggression. In fact, the U.S.A.'s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved particular medications for treating certain symptoms of Autism. Other prescription medications seem to be somewhat effective in treating Autism, yet the FDA hasn't approved them for treating the disorder specifically.


Various possible problems can result from the use of prescription medications to treat Autism. One is that different people will respond differently to various prescriptions, so it's crucial that physicians closely monitor how their patients react to various types of medications. Another possible problem is when an Autism patient receives a dosage that is higher than it should be. Yet another possible drawback of prescription medications is the human-made chemicals that they contain, which can cause an array of unwanted side-effects.

Get more information about non-invasive, Denver alternative autism therapies at the Life Vessel of the Rockies.

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Music and the Autistic Child

In February of 2010, the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) hosted a professional, Nina Kraus, from Northwestern University speaking about cognitive-sensory connection between speech and music. During her presentation on the subject, Kraus said the following: "Indeed, musical experience can enhance the very auditory processes that are often deficient in clinical populations including developmental dyslexia and autism."

This statement backs up what many parents with autistic children have experienced firsthand when registering their children in childhood musical programs. Parents have long reported children opening up in music lessons in ways that they do not open up at home. This has led many parents to incorporate music in their homes, since it seems to be something that their autistic children really respond to in a positive, productive manner.

Quite a few studies have been done on the effects of music on childhood development, and the results have been positive. As Kraus discussed at the annual AAAS meeting, there is a connection between human speech, hearing and music. There have been instances of stroke victims who could not speak, but could sing clearly. This is just one example of how music interacts in the brain in amazing ways.

This extends to children as well, especially children with autism. Children become more cooperative with lessons when music is a part of the lesson. They are able to focus on one thing for a longer period of time if music is presented in some manner. Those with speech problems are able to improve through music while those struggling with eye contact can take great strides to meeting the eye of others through music lessons.

Take it from Myra J. Staum, Ph.D., the Director and Professor of Music Therapy from Willamette University. She wrote a piece on music therapy and language for, which touched on the power of music therapy for autistic children. She said that music is an effective form of therapy that can be used to enhance skill development with autistic children. Her reason for this comes down to the basic nature of music. She said it is "nonverbal" and "non threatening."

Staum goes on to explain how autistic children can be taught a variety of skills directly through music. This allows them to overcome a lot of their delays and developmental problems, so they function better in their daily lives.

Not all parents with autistic children have access to formal music therapy for their children, but that doesn't mean other forms of musical programs designed for children can't be used effectively. Parents with autistic children can easily surround their children with music and introduce music at home. With a little creativity, parents can even teach and guide children through music just as therapists are doing around the country.

A good children's musical program offered in the local community is a great start for autistic children. They will be encouraged to interact with other children, to use their brains and bodies in new ways, and to experience language from a musical perspective. Many children with autism love music and respond to it on a deep level that has not been experienced with anything else. All it takes to get that depth of response is constant exposure to music lessons in some capacity.

For more information regarding music for children and child development programs, visit Kindermusik Asia.

Feel free to publish this article on your website, or send it to your friends, as long as you keep the resource box and the content of the article intact.

The content is our own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views of Kindermusik or Kindermusik Asia.

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Autism Treatment - Clostridia & Regression

There is an issue with regression that comes up frequently in my practice. Oftentimes, this regression will happen following a course of antibiotic treatment or following antifungal treatments, and rather than improvement, you see regression. Antifungal treatments can include prescriptions such as Nystatin, Diflucan or Nizoral or herbal remedies like oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract, etc. If you see a worsening in behavior along the lines of irritability, aggression, self injury or withdrawal, you could be seeing signs of an underlying bacterial problem.

A common bacteria that many children on the Autism spectrum deal with is called clostridia. There are many types of clostridia bacteria, one type is called clostridia dificil and can actually cause one form of inflammatory bowel disease. When we talk about these negative behavioral changes and regression, we are not talking about this type. Although that form can produce certain toxins that could contribute to these negative behaviors but we are really talking about the broad family of clostridia rather that a specific form.

Great Plains Labs has two tests called the Organic Acid Test and the Microbial Organic Acid Test which look at the specific yeast and clostridia bacteria markers. HPHPA is the clostridia marker and a metabolic toxin that is picked up on these tests. That metabolic toxin appears to interfere with brain chemicals, which then can manifest in some of those behavioral issues we see with kids on the spectrum.

Yeast and clostridia live in competition with one another in the digestive tract. So that is why we often see regression with the use of antifungals. If you are not treating them both at the same time, when one is lowered then the other one can tend to flourish. So if you are treating a yeast overgrowth without also treating a clostridia overgrowth, clostridia can get worse because it has less competition from the yeast that is dying. You can also have an increase in clostridia following antibiotic use as that can kill off the beneficial bacteria in the gut which allows more growth for the opportunistic clostridia. If you see regression in your child following a course of antibiotics or antifungals, it may be wise to look into whether a clostridia overgrowth is the cause.

Autism really is treatable! Biomedical Autism treatments and therapies have resulted in many, many children improving, or even even losing their autism-spectrum disorder diagnosis. For lots more free biomedical autism intervention information and videos from Dr. Woeller, go to

Dr. Kurt Woeller is an biomedical autism Intervention specialist, with a private practice in Southern California for over 10 years. He has helped children recover from autism, ADD, ADHD, and other disorders, and has the information you need to help your child. Download his free ebook at

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Is My Baby Autistic? Tips to Help You Answer This Question

This is the most common question that parents ask whenever they notice odd behaviors from their children. A lot of people assume that if their child fails to talk at the age or 2 or 3, he is autistic. This is a big misconception. There are numerous reasons as to why speech might be delayed in toddlers, and a lot of other reasons why some children are not hitting their milestones, but sadly, autism is one of them. It is comforting to know though, that talking late in toddlers does not automatically mean that your child is autistic.

Autism is a disorder that lasts a lifetime. It is referred to as a developmental disorder because symptoms normally manifest before a child reaches the age of 3 which is a critical period of development. It then causes concerns in the child's development, learning and growth. When a child has autism, the areas that are affected normally concerns delayed skills in the following:

- Sensory - the way a child receives and process information with the use of his senses, namely; the sense of sight, taste, movement, touch, hearing, and taste.

- Cognitive - the manner in which a child learns and thinks.

- Social Interaction - the manner in which a child interacts or relates to others.

- Motor - the manner in which a child moves his body.

- Language - the manner in which a child comprehends and makes use of gestures and words.

Here is a list of concerns observed among toddlers and young children with autism spectrum disorder. This list is derived from a number of sources:

- Does not follow directions given.

- Seems to hear you at times, but is not consistent.

- Does not respond to his name at all times.

- Used to make attempts to talk, but suddenly stops.

- Throws severe tantrums.

- Manifests strange movement patterns like flapping arms, more so when excited.

- Doesn't smile in return.

- Avoids eye contact. The child seems to look past you.

- Normally doesn't cooperate when asked to do daily chores/routines.

- Is hyper most of the time.

- Prefers to play alone.

- Is an extremely picky eater. May only prefer to eat 4 different foods.

- Mimics what he hears instead of using his own words.

- Spends a lot of time putting things in a row, lining things up and gets very distressed when interrupted.

- Has a great attachment to toys or objects.

If your child has these symptoms, it doesn't necessarily mean that he/she is autistic. Make time to discuss your child's signs with a healthcare provider. Finally decide if an intensive assessment is needed.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How to Create an Optimal Learning Environment for Your Child with Autism

Understanding the way your child's brain works is crucial to being able to provide an optimal learning environment. Below is a brief overview of some of the research about the brains of people with autism. Then you'll find easy, practical ways to implement this knowledge and create an optimal learning environment at home.

The Science
Autism is referred to as a "spectrum disorder" because there is such a wide variation among people with the diagnosis. Researchers using technology that allows them to be able to see how our brains are structured also see that the brains of people with the label 'Autism' are vastly different from one another. Because of this, some scientists have suggested we need to look below the level of the brain's structure to the way individual neurons (brain cells) are wired to find the "miss-wiring" that affects all people with autism. Researchers have found evidence that the way some neurons are connected in the brain of people with autism may lead to a low signal-to-noise ratio. This means that many of the signals brain cells are sending to each other may be accompanied by "noise", like static in a radio signal. This is one explanation for why children with autism become hyper-aroused (overwhelmed) by sensory information and why they may find it more challenging to choose between two different sources of information. For example, it is often more difficult for a child with autism to be able to listen to the teacher when other children in the class are making noise. Studies recording brain electricity in autistic people have shown that even when they are trying to ignore certain aspects of their environment (such as noise in the classroom) their brains respond to this information in the same way they respond to the information the child is trying to attend to (the teachers voice). The problem for many children with autism seems to be one of "filtering", that is, they are less able than typical children to filter out sensory information that is irrelevant to what they are trying to focus on.

The result of this is that all stimuli are given equal priority by the brains of those with autism, causing an overwhelming flood of sensory information that the child must handle. The brains of typical children learn to filter out irrelevant stimuli early on in life, so by the time that they go to school, children are able to focus their attention on what they are asked to focus on. It is very hard for many children with autism to learn in environments where there is a lot of competing sensory information (including noises, sights, touches, smells, etc.) such as a classroom.

Children with autism are taking in a lot of information all the time; this means that at some stage, they have to sort through this information to see what they really need. Studies have seen that people with autism tend to do the sorting through at a much later stage in processing than neurologically typical people. This is like going down the aisles in the supermarket and putting one of everything into your cart, then arriving at the checkout and discarding what you do not want to buy. This causes a "processing bottleneck". Studies using technology that allows us to see which parts of the brain are being used in particular tasks help us to see that this is what is happening inside the brains of people with autism. There is more activity in the brain regions designed for lower-order processing (going through the supermarket aisles) than in brain regions for high-order processing (moving through the checkout and going home with the items on your list). This may explain why children with autism often show significant challenges in areas of high-order processing (e.g. memory, attention, organization, language, etc.), because they spend so much time trying to deal with the basic incoming sensory information that they don't get time to practice the high-order thinking processing other children their age are practicing. Thus the brain of the child with autism starts to develop differently than the brain of his typical brother. There is some evidence that this processing style is already present when children with autism are born, even though the concurrent behaviors may not be recognized until 18-24 months later.

Psychologists call this style of processing (over-relying on lower-order processing) "weak central coherence." Central coherence describes the ability to process incoming information in context, pulling information together for higher-level meaning often at the expense of memory for detail. Weak central coherence then is the tendency of those with autism to rely on local feature processing (the details) rather than taking in the global nature of the situation. For instance after viewing identical pictures and then being asked to remember what was in the picture a typical person might describe the scene as "a forest at sunset" while a person with autism might remember "shiny leaves, orange light and a branch you could hang a swing from". This processing style is the reason people with autism outperform people without autism on specific tasks. One of these tasks is The Embedded Figures task. In this task, people might be shown a line drawing of a car which everyone can identify as such. When asked to point out the three triangles in the picture, people without autism are much slower than those with autism. This is because the typical people can not see "past" the car to label all it's constituent parts. The people with autism will identify the three triangles quickly because this is how they are practiced at seeing the world.

Research involving people with autism ranging from studies of how individual brain cells are connected to how people perform in psychological tests paints a picture of the world occupied by those with autism as fragmented, overwhelming and filled with "noise". This is corroborated by autobiographical reports from people with autism. Understanding the autistic child's fragmented and overwhelming world shows how important a child's external environment is when designing treatment and education for children with autism. It also explains why children with autism crave order and predictability in their physical environments.

Physical environments with higher amounts of sensory stimulation (e.g. bright visual displays, background noise, etc.) will add to the "noise" in an already overloaded sensory system making any new learning extremely challenging--like trying to learn Japanese in a shopping mall. The extent to which rooms can be tailored to meet the needs of these children is highly limited in a typical classroom setting, mainly due to the presence of other children and the subsequent size of the room. Even fluorescent lighting has been shown to affect the behavior of children with autism. These environmental considerations are either overlooked and their importance underestimated when placements are suggested for children with autism or it is beyond the scope of the school district to provide any other type of physical environment.

The Easy Part
The FIRST STEP along the road to building a comprehensive treatment program for your child is providing him or her with an appropriate environment in which to learn. Usually this means SIMPLIFY! Here's what to do:

1. Dedicate one room in your house to you child with autism. It could be your child's bedroom or another room (not too big, 12' x 12' is plenty, and smaller is fine depending on the age of your child). The room might even only be dedicated to your child with autism for part of the day (for instance if he or she shares a bedroom with a sibling) this is OK too. Do the best you can with the situation you have.

2. Remove all electronic toys from the dedicated room. This includes televisions, video-games, and anything battery powered (including singing / talking books and things that flash!) These toys can be over-stimulating for a child with autism and do not encourage social interaction.

3. Make sure you have incandescent light bulbs not fluorescent one. Fluorescent light bulbs flicker at a rate most of use tune out but that can be highly over-stimulating for people with autism.
4. Clear some space. Ideally you want the floor to be a free, clear open space on which you can play with your child. Have the minimal amount of furniture you can in the special room. Also simplify the amount of toys you have in the room and if possible put them all on shelves or in a closet.

These are the first step towards creating an optimal learning environment in which to work with your child. Parents running a home-based Son-Rise Programs are coached further on how to create a customized learning environment and Son-Rise Program playroom. The simple measures described here will aid in soothing your autistic child's over-active nervous system by making the world digestible and manageable and set the stage for social interaction and subsequent learning.

Kat Houghton is an autism treatment consultant specializing in The Son-Rise Program, a relationship-enhancement method of approaching autism. She is the founder and director of Inspired by Autism Consulting, director of research at The Autism Treatment Center of America and completing a PhD in Psychology at Lancaster University in the UK.

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Natural Remedies for Autism for More Normal Living

Natural remedies for autism are helpful in improving and managing the known symptoms of autism. It is common for parents and caregivers of people diagnosed with autism to feel frustrated. Feeling ignored as patients go through their endlessly repetitive daily behavior is normal. It is a struggle trying to communicate and reach the private world of people with autism. And since the signs, symptoms experiences of autism vary from person to person; it is never safe to generalize anything regarding effective treatment approaches and methods. Conventional treatment approaches recommend patients to take prescription medications to control their anxiety and prevent feelings of aggression and tantrums. However, the circulating news regarding the horrible effects of incorrect and prolonged use of common autism medications resulted in the ever increasing interest for safer and more natural options to managing and improving autism symptoms.

On natural remedies for autism

There is always a place for prescription medication in most cases of autism. However, there is always the risk and caution for the possibility of suffering minor to serious side-effects, especially with long-term use. On the other hand, patients are given options to try some natural remedies for autism, which usually combines herbal, homeopathic and holistic approaches to treatment to maintain systemic balance to the nervous system functions of the patients. In addition, they deliver many of the benefits of common autism medications but with minimal risks of sedation or side-effects.

Food Nutrient Therapy

Vitamins and mineral supplements were found to deliver substantial improvements to the functioning of autistic people. Symptoms like irritability, aggression, anxiety and tantrums are directly linked to lacking or of food nutrients. Poor diet and intolerances to certain foodstuff like gluten in wheat and grain products and dairy products trigger many bothersome symptoms of autism. In this light, parents of many autism patients have noted remarkable changes to behavior with the elimination of such foodstuff to the patient's diet.

There is also a link that the deficiency in fatty acids found in fish is directly linked to childhood autism. The cell membranes of autistic children process fatty acids at a much faster rate. Apparently, the brain cell membranes are largely comprised of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, substances that are found in abundance in salmon, mackerel and other oily fish. In a sense, deficiency in these fatty acids may be considered a partial trigger for autism.

Education and Therapy

Specialized education and physiotherapy are drug-free natural remedies for autism. Therapy approaches like occupational therapy, sensory integration and music therapy are helpful in offsetting the developmental delay caused by the disease. The combination of specialized education and physiotherapy is a powerful tool to ensuring the progress of any autism treatment plan. The impact of this treatment approach emphasizes that there are no quick fixes to overcoming the disease.

Herbal Therapy

Tranquilizing and antidepressant drugs are nothing new to autism patients. They are used to overcome highly distressing and volatile patient reactions toward seemingly small changes to their environment. However, the main downside of these drugs is that patients tend to develop tolerance with long-term use. In this light, the calming and soothing effect of herbal teas and tinctures proves to be an ideal and safe alternative to drug medications. Herbs like passiflora helps keep patients less irritable, less easily frustrated and calmer. St. John's wort prevents over-metabolism of serotonin, which deliberately improves mood and behavior and helps increase concentration.


As autism became pandemic in the Western world, it continuously spreads worldwide. Hence, having more options to treatment gives patients more chances of overcoming the disease regaining a more normal life. The natural remedies for autism gives you a variety of treatment approaches to improve the symptoms and overall well-being of autism patients.

Want to find out more about Most Natural Remedies, then visit Elaine Schulstad's site on how to choose the best natural remedies for autism for your needs.

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Monday, October 17, 2011

How To Stop Echolalia In Autistic Children

Echolalia is a repetition of some form of dialogue that the Autistic child has heard. It can be repeated immediately or in can be repeated per verbatim at a later stage.

An example of immediate echolalia would be when someone asks the child "how are you?" and the child repeats "how are you?"

This can include complete dialogues that the Autistic child has heard from a conversation or a movie or radio broadcast.

It may not have a meaning to them at the time but they just repeat it.

Echolalia can be a little confusing when the child uses it all the time and then gets frustrated when people don't understand what they are trying to communicate.

An example of this would be if you asked the child what they wanted for lunch, a hamburger or a hotdog. An Autistic child with echolalia would say hotdog as it is the last thing they would have heard even if it was the hamburger they really wanted then they may get upset when presented with the hotdog.

Echolalia is being used by the child with Autism as a means of processing words and storing the words or complete dialogue for further use.

It increases their word bank and at times you may hear them practicing their dialogue using similar tones or inflections in speech as they heard it until they think that they got it right.

If careful attention is paid when listening to a child with echolalia, you may find that in their speech, there may be a link to what ever it is they are saying even in dialogue and what the situation is that is going on.

There are ways to stop or significantly decrease echolalia.

Present the Autistic child with two items, one that you know that they want, and one that you know they don't want.

When you offer the two items to the child, put the one that they don't want last.

For example, if you know that they like balls but they don't like puzzles, ask them "Do you want the ball or the puzzle?"

They will initially repeat "The puzzle".

At which point, hand the puzzle to them. They may get a little frustrated and make a grab for the ball and at that point you would repeat the question "Do you want the ball or the puzzle?"

As you ask, extend the ball towards them when you say ball and then extend the puzzle when you say puzzle.

After a couple or more times of this, the Autistic child with echolalia usually is starting to understand that they need to listen to what you are saying in order to get what they want.

Obviously you are going to start them out slowly and not make the requesting sentences too long or complicated as you just want them to get the idea that if they listen to your question and take the time to think about it, then answer by naming what it is they want, they will get what they desire.

Obviously your success in stopping the echolalia depends on the degree of Autism that they have but you should definitely be able to decrease it significantly in any case.

As time progresses this can be used for other more complex conversational situations and evoke more appropriate conversational responses from the autistic child with echolalia for questions such as how are you and what is your name.

Taken slowly but consistently, echolalia in an autistic child can be decreased significantly to the point where only an experienced person could pick it up.

Donna Mason has been a Registered Nurse for the past 16 years. She is the mother of 6 children, 3 of whom have varying degrees of Autism. For more information on Autism signs and symptoms, and to learn more about this mother's battle in the fight against this misunderstood condition, visit us on the web at:

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3 Common Behaviors of Kids With Autism

Children with autism vary greatly in their symptoms of the disorder, now more commonly known among the autism community as Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD. Symptoms of ASD can range from very mild, such as a person with high functioning Asperger's Syndrome, or very severe such as a child who is totally non-verbal and has very little ability to care for him or herself.

Here are three common behaviors in children with autism.

Behavior Number One: Children with autism have an extreme need for routine and structure. Despite the severity of a child's autism, most have an extreme need for routine, order and structure in their daily lives. They do best when on a routine schedule, preferably one that is posted visually with words and/or pictures.

Children with autism frequently want to eat the same types of food and drinks, some becoming very picky eaters. Perhaps more common than a picky eater is that the children will come to expect a certain food associated with a certain event. For instance, if the class always has pizza on Mondays, and pizza is not offered on Monday, a child with autism might get upset at this change in routine.

In the same regard, children with ASD can become upset when people change, such as in the case of a substitute teacher, a change in seats, or even visual displays changing from one day to the next. An example would be that all year the eight basic colors have been displayed on a bulletin board in a classroom. Very little reference has been made to the bulletin board but one day the red one falls down as the custodian in cleaning. No one notices but when the child with autism walks into the room, he says, "Red!" Being unable to communicate what he is talking about, he gets upset until finally someone is able to figure out what he is talking about.

Behavior Number Two: Children with Autism often engage in some type of obsession with an activity, thing or even a person.

Autistic children frequently develop obsessions with people, places or things to the point of not wanting to engage in anything unrelated to the obsession. Typical obsessions involve things such as Thomas the Tank Engine, zoo animals, a certain music C.D., or even vacuum cleaners. A typical scenario is that a peer who is unfamiliar with the child with autism asks, "Hi, what is your name?" The child with ASD who is obsessed with zoo animals responds, "Jonah and I went to the zoo yesterday. We saw lions. Did you know lions are carnivores and that the male lion is the dominant one in the pride. Groups of lions are called prides. Did you know that? Lions are known for their ability to hunt in a group. Usually it's the females that do this."

On a positive note, an obsession might be used to a person's advantage. A child who is obsessed with lions might one day grow up to work at the zoo and be the one totally responsible for the lion's habitat, or even become a lion expert, do research on lions, etc. Obsessions can change over time or be static.

Behavior Number Three: Children with autism usually have some type of difficulty communicating with others. Children with autism frequently have a difficult time maintaining eye contact. They can be non-verbal but most are verbal. Autistic children who are verbal typically had a difficult time answering "W" questions, meaning who, what, where, and why questions. If a child is asked, "Do you like ice cream?" they might be able to easily answer but if asked "What kind?" or "How much do you want?" it ,might be difficult for them to ask.

Some children with autism also demonstrate echolalia, which is repeating what others have said, either immediately after another person, or sometime later. Children who exhibit echolalia can imitate words and phrases, but also sounds such as bird calls, or repeat entire passages of words from a cartoon or movie. There are cases in which a child is non-verbal yet can repeat an entire television program, using the correct inflections and pitch.

There are many characteristics of autism but the above are three common ones.

Kristin Whiting is an adoptive Mom, Special Needs Preschool Teacher, and a regular contributor to Associated Content, Ezine, Squidoo and Hubpages. She has varied interests in such topics as family life, domestic adoption, foster parenting, healthcare, education, working with children who have special needs, social issues and GLBT parenting.
She can be reached through her two blogs - Amazing Family Life or My Special Needs Classroom - or her email at

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My Autistic Genius - The Creative Link Between Autism And Genius

Though relatively new to the medical world many in the field believe their may be a direct correlation between autism and genius level thinkers. Many of our greatest historical thinkers are thought to have suffered from autism or Asperger's, so perhaps the rewiring of the autistic mind is actually a form of evolution, a level of higher thought.

Some of our greatest composers showed autistic traits and tendencies. These musical masterpieces were perhaps created by a mind more in tuned to music; after all, recent links have shown that music may help to minimize the effect of autism so perhaps some of its greatest creators were driven to do so in their focused minds in order to set things more right in their worlds. Beethoven, Hans Christian, and Mozart are amongst the worlds highest talented musical masterminds and all are thought to share one common ground, outside of music of course, and that is Asperger's.

Some of our greatest intellectual thought provokers and inventors are also thought to have suffered the similar diagnosis of autism. These include the likes of Newton, Einstein, Orwell and H G Wells. This does not mean that all who suffer from Asperger's and Autism are in the genius level, but it does prove that no matter what the case, we can help our loved ones in reaching their full potential, no matter what that may be.

So the decision is solely yours, you can choose to believe that those around you affected by Autism will never achieve anything or you can stand strong and true by there side and advocate for them to provide the most optimal outcome and the fullest life potential they have locked within them.

To help your autistic loved one do them a favour and click here!

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Parents With Autistic Children Should Consider Music Therapy As an Alternative Treatment for Autism

When you are parents with autistic children, there are so many autism treatments that you need to consider. There are so many different possible therapies out there, from the traditional to the alternative to ones that seem just plain crazy. One therapy that has been getting attention of late for an autism treatment is music therapy.

Music Therapy

Music therapy may not be exactly what you think it is. It is not focused on learning to play instruments so much as it is focused on using music to engage the mind and emotions of the autistic person, and helping them to communicate.

Music is a more primal, some would say more natural, more patterned way of communication. People with no abilities to communicate whatsoever have been shown to actually respond and connect to others with music therapy.

Most people with autism like patterns, and music is full of patterns. Also, music has rhythm. It is something that people with autism can feel, rather than have to think about.

Music Therapist

Music therapy is not instruction in music. A good music therapist will employ a variety of tools, information and creative methods to create musical environments where an autistic person will feel comfortable. The music therapist will create these environments based on each person's specific needs.

Music therapy requires no verbal ability, which is great for those with autism. Someone can ring a bell, bang a piano, or shake cymbals without having to talk - and by doing this, they can begin to communicate with other people through music. Many people will say that music is an ancient form of communication, maybe even our oldest form of communication.

Music therapists can build relationships with kids others might have thought unreachable by using music to reach them. They can help those with autism build communication skills, decrease their anxiety and increase their overall functioning ability.

Why does music therapy work well with autistic people?

  1. Music is a universal language.

  2. Music captures people's attention. Music motivates a person to respond and participate.

  3. Music makes it possible for people with autism to express and identify emotions that they might not otherwise have been able to.

  4. Music can help increase cognitive skills, and even help with auditory processing, gross and fine motor skills. This is because it acts as a kind of sensory integration therapy.

  5. Music can reduce anxiety. Using the same piece of music over and over again can help create a sense of security and familiarity, which will help make an autistic person more comfortable and more ready to learn.

There are many different autism therapies for kids that parents with autistic children have to sort through. Music therapy can be one viable option to add to the mix.

Many interesting and somewhat lesser known therapies are also available. Parents should learn as much as you can about alternative treatments for autism. Tips from other parents and professionals can be extremely helpful. A great site that has tips and suggestions for additional treatments is the There you can sign up for their FREE newsletter with tips and info on autism.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Early Warning Signs of Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Childhood Apraxia of Speech (often abbreviated as CAS) is a somewhat rare speech disorder. It is estimated that 1 in 1,000 children will be diagnosed with apraxia. In comparison, 1 in 150 will be diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Many parents, and indeed doctors, are not aware of what apraxia is, and thus the early warning signs may go unnoticed. Like many other neurological disorders, early treatment is the key to helping your child overcome the difficulties this speech disorder can present.

In medical terms, Childhood Apraxia of Speech is a motor-planning disorder that is characterized by difficulty sequencing the speech movements necessary for volitional speech. In layman's terms, the messages sent by the brain to the muscles and nerves that control voluntary speech get scrambled and the muscles and nerves can't decode them to understand what to do. This is not a speech delay, but a true neurological disorder. It is unclear what causes apraxia, but it appears to be related to immature neurological development, rather than caused by an injury to the brain, such as is seen in stroke patients with apraxia. Though it has been named "childhood" apraxia of speech, it is not strictly a childhood disease. A child diagnosed with apraxia will struggle their entire lives with their speech, though it will probably get easier to speak as they get older.

Many children with Autism, Down Syndrome, and Cerebral Palsy have been diagnosed with CAS, though apraxia does appear in children who have no other disabilities. Common co-morbid conditions include hypotonia (low muscle tone), sensory integrations problems, and language delay. Many older children with apraxia have trouble with reading, writing, and spelling. Because of this, early intervention with speech therapy and occupational therapy is very important for a child's future at school.

While there are some warning signs that are commonly seen in apraxic children, many parents are told by well meaning friends, family, and even pediatricians to "just wait and see." If your child shows several of the warning signs listed below, don't take the wait it out approach. As your pediatrician to refer you to a speech-language pathologist for an evaluation. Early detection and intervention is key for a bright future for your apraxia child. If your child is older and has speech problems, it's never too late to get them evaluated.

Early warning signs:

  • little or no babbling during infancy
  • difficulty with nursing or feeding during infancy
  • few consonants
  • slow, effortful or halting speech
  • poor speech intelligibility
  • difficulty imitating sounds or words
  • late onset of first words (or "losing" words)
  • inconsistent or unpredictable speech errors
  • groping during speech attempts
  • high frequency of vowel and voicing errors
  • high receptive language, but low or no expressive language (child understand everything being said, but can't say anything back)
  • "soft" neurological signs, such as sensory problems, sensitivity to touch, fine motor problems
  • slow or no progress with traditional speech therapy (apraxic kids benefit from specialized, intensive therapy that isn't necessarily know by all speech-language pathologists)

As the mother of a severely apraxic child, I understand the fear that hearing such a diagnosis can bring. My son is not on the spectrum, nor does he have any other disability (well, he does have minor sensory issues and minor hypotonia). Unless you hear him talk, you would never know that he can't talk. My first thought upon hearing the diagnosis was "Will he ever speak?" You are probably wondering the same thing about your recently diagnosed child. The answer is yes, more than likely your child will speak, especially with early intervention. You child may not speak "normally," he may need to use ASL (as mine does) or a communication device, but he will be able to communicate and lead a pretty typical life. The most important thing a parent can do is recognize the early warnings signs, push your pediatrician or other professional for help, and get involved in your child's treatment. With hard work, and possibly years of therapy, most people will never even know that your child has childhood apraxia of speech.

When my son was diagnosed with Apraxia, he was also diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder. I found that having a variety of fidget toys on hand helps his attention and focus tremendously. I've reviewed a variety of sensory toys to help others pick the best fidgets for their kids.

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How to Treat Sensory Processing Disorder

The body is designed in a way wherein the different sense organs work with the brain for the interpretation of the different senses so that we can exhibit the appropriate responses, both behavioral and motor. However, there are instances when the responses are not proper because of misinterpretation of the senses. This condition is called sensory processing disorder.

Sensory processing disorder (SPD) was formerly known as sensory integration dysfunction was first described by A. Jean Ayres, a neuroscientist who said that this disorder is similar to a 'traffic jam' that occurs in the neurons, wherein some parts of the brain are prevented from receiving the correct information so that sensory information are interpreted correctly. For someone who has SPD, what happens is that sensory information is perceived differently from that which is normal to other people. This will then result in behavior or responses that are unusual, which makes it hard to accomplish some tasks.

The exact causes of sensory processing disorder are not yet known, and are still subject to research studies. There have been results however saying that this is an inherited disorder, but there can also be environmental factors that can contribute to it. When this is not properly managed while a child is still young, it can result to several problems involving the child's emotional, education and social state. Because of the problems with the child's motor skills, he can become isolated from his peers, suffering from low self-esteem. There can also be poor self-concept and failure with academics. Those who are unaware of this disorder will be labeling the child as clumsy, disruptive or even uncooperative. When this gets worse, it will lead to depression, anger problems, anxiety and aggression.

The treatment of sensory processing disorder will warrant the services of an occupational therapist. The occupational therapist will provide sensory integration therapy for the child, wherein sensory stimuli and experiences will be taught to the child. There will also be sensory diet, a therapy where the therapist will plan and schedule activities for the child to address the different needs of the nervous system. There will be different techniques that will be included in the therapy such as calming, alerting and organizing. The treatment for SPD can also include alternative therapies depending on what the doctor says. One of the common therapies is therapeutic body brushing which is ideal for children who are oversensitive to sensory experiences. This will help the SPD patient to learn how to adjust to certain sensory stimulations.

There is no definite cure for sensory processing disorder for the treatments that were mentioned will only help the affected person learn how to adapt and react properly to stimulations. If you are taking care of a child who is suffering from SPD, you have to be patient when dealing with him, since it is not just frustrating for you but it is more difficult to the child. It will take some time before the child can learn the appropriate responses so you will have to assist him and make sure that he learns properly. And of course, you will need to assist him with developing his mental, emotional and social skills.

For more information on Different Types of Diseases, Symptoms and Diagnoses, Please visit: Sensory Processing Disorder and Sensory Integration Disorder.

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Autism: How Do You Communicate With a Non-Verbal Child?

I am a teacher and recently, I assisted to one of these workshops meant to improve the quality of your teaching methods. I also am the mother of two young autistic children. My oldest is a 5 years old boy, which is considered to be non-verbal as he may not have used more than six words in his life. "Mama" was said for the first time about a year ago when he was 41/2 years old. I can't describe to you how precious this magic moment was. I still enjoy it every time he pronounces it.

Sometimes, teachers need to be taught a few things!

During this workshop, we were studying the multiple ways that a person learns new information. Some are visual and learn using diagrams, drawings, pictures, etc. Others are using manipulative to understand new concepts. There are eight types of learning styles. One of them is called: "verbal". This type of processing is done orally and using written material such as books, essays, etc. One of the statements that was made was that: "The more people express themselves orally, the more easily they will be able to express themselves and show their knowledge through their writing skills."

It burned me inside. That is when I shared both my feelings and my experience concerning my son with my colleagues. It opened a new door for me when I realized that the question that popped up in people's mind really was: "Autism: How do you communicate with a non-verbal child?"

That is when I decided to share some information related to my experience as a parent of a non-verbal child who is affected by the Autism Spectrum disorder.

A bit of personal history of my non-verbal son

My son is considered non-verbal since his vocabulary contains approximately six words which are mainly used when frustration sets in, especially when his message is not understood by the person he is communication with, at the time. Physically, he is able to speak as he is able to pronounce words but for an unknown reason, he is not communicating with others this way.

Doctors have explained that he has 50% chances of becoming verbal one day as in several cases; non-verbal children affected by Autism will start speaking between the ages of 5 to 8 years old. Some children even began speaking as late as 13 years old.

When he does speak without being influenced by frustration, his words are said in such a faint tone of voice that they are often difficult to understand or heard, if at all. As a parent, you sometimes think that you have heard him speak but being unsure you tend to believe that you heard things that you want to hear without reflecting reality. Sometimes, it may be the case but you will never know it for sure.

Communication with a non-verbal child

So, how do we communicate with our son? Well, we are using a variety of techniques. For example, in certain cases we use concrete objects that we either show him or the other way around. If he wants a sandwich, he will bring the container of jam to us. If he wants the remote control, he will take us to the shelf, take our hand and point it towards it. If you ask him to choose between several options, we will observe his reaction towards each one of them. If he gets excited, his body language will display his affirmative response by jumping up and down, some hand flapping accompanied by a huge smile. When the answer is negative, he will become upset, push away the item, turn away from it and sometimes he will even cry.

What are other ways that we use for communication purposes? Well, we use a bit of sign language, the PECS, objects and observe a lot of his reactions and the clues that he gives us such as: his body language, his tone of voice, his sounds, the expression on his face as well as the gestures that he makes us do such as putting our hands on his head with pressure to communicate that he has a headache. Another thing that we keep an eye on is his routine and the slightest changes that may be responsible for his sudden distress.

Lack of information can lead to harsh and judgmental comments

Today, I went to the hair salon. The hairdresser told me that earlier, she cut the hair of an autistic child. She said that she thought he was "normal" until she was told that he was affected by ASD. Then, she said that as all children with ASD, he was "a bit behind mentally". I was so disgusted, hurt and angry that I even considered leaving but being in the process of a haircut, I did not want to leave with half of it completed.

I explained to her that it was a misconception that all people with ASD were affected by mental developmental delay. I also explained that during my workshop, I was told that someone who is non-verbal cannot communicate which meant, according to them that they were automatically affected by intellectual difficulties. I explained that not being verbal does not mean that someone cannot communicate efficiently their thoughts and knowledge.

Knowledge is present in a non-verbal child

As a parent, I often feel hurt and frustrated about the misconceptions that people have about Autism. At school, my son has been evaluated differently but he still surprises the school staff that work with him by his knowledge. Since he is using the computer efficiently, maybe he can use it later in life to communicate with us if he remains non-verbal.

Autism is often misunderstood

Often, people do not understand the frustration level of a non-verbal person. Well, imagine that you visit a country where you are unable to communicate with people in their own language. Wouldn't you feel frustrated after a while? Now, imagine how it would feel to live like this every day!

If people ask you in the future: "How do you communicate with a non-verbal child?" You will be able not only to answer their question but also to enlighten them by sharing some insightful information as Autism is often unknown, even by the Educational system.

If you wish to learn more information about Autism, I invite you to visit the following sites:, and

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Helping the Child Who Has Sensory Processing Issues

There's something up with a child you know. He's clumsy, picky, always on the move, or flopped in a chair like a wet noodle. He's impulsive, intense, and quirky. Maybe he has a learning disability, ADHD, or autism, or maybe not, but his behavior and responses to everyday sensations are puzzling. Why does he withdraw or act out? Why are transitions so difficult? Can he really hear the fluorescent lights that he claims are distracting him?

It's very likely that this child you're concerned about has sensory processing disorder, also known as SPD or sensory integration dysfunction. An estimated 1 in 20 children and almost all children with autism have SPD.

This child's nervous system is wired atypically, causing her body to process everyday sensations differently. Unable to rely on her senses to give her an accurate picture of what is going on in her body and her world, she is prone to anxiety, distractibility, impulsivity, and frustration. A child with SPD will tune out or act out when overstimulated. The need for sensory input such as movement and touch can be so overpowering that the child truly can't control her need to seek it out. Many of us have difficulty tuning out background noise, or prefer clothes that fit a certain way. These are sensory preferences. When a child's sensory issues interfere significantly with learning and playing, he needs the help of an occupational therapist and a sensory smart adult who can teach him how to feel more comfortable in his body and environment.

Fortunately, many of the accommodations that can make a huge difference in the life of a child who has sensory issues are simple and inexpensive. Here are just a few:

  • Cut out clothing tags, turn socks inside out or buy seamless ones, and avoid clothing with embroidery and elastic that will touch the skin and create distracting, irritating sensations.
  • To tolerate the intense sensation of having his teeth brushed, the child with SPD may need to use nonfoaming toothpaste and have his mouth and lips desensitized by using a vibrating toothbrush or even just gently pressing a hand-held vibrator against his cheek, jaws, and lips before attempting to brush.
  • To calm and focus a child with sensory issues, you can try applying deep pressure against the skin as you compress her joints. Hugging, or pressing pillows against her body or rolling her up in a blanket to play "burrito" are often enjoyable ways for a child to get input. Always pay close attention to what a child is telling you, in words or body language, about her response to sensory input. Do not upset her with unwanted touch.
  • In school or at home, allow him to sit on an exercise ball or an inflatable cushion, with a smooth or bumpy surface. This will meet the movement needs of a child who just has to be able to squirm and help the child with poor body awareness to better sense where his body is when he's seated. When these needs for movement and body awareness are met, the sensory child will focus better on listening, eating, or doing schoolwork.
  • Provide a quiet retreat when she's overwhelmed by the sensory onslaught of everyday life. Whether she sits alone with you in a car outside of a party or restaurant, or in a quiet, darkened room, listening to relaxing music on a personal music player with headphones, a sensory break can do wonders for a child's ability to tolerate her environment.

A pediatric occupational therapist, trained and experienced in helping children with sensory issues, can work with parents and teachers to plan and carry out activities for the child that can help him or her function better at home, at school, and away. She can also help problem solve and discover accommodations that will ease the child's discomfort, and set up a "sensory diet" of activities that will help him. Whether working on a consultation basis, in a sensory gym nearby, at home or at school, the right sensory smart OT can make a huge difference for a child with sensory processing disorder.

Nancy Peske is an author and editor and the parent of a child who at age 2 was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder and multiple developmental delays. Coauthor of the award-winning Raising a Sensory Smart Child: The Definitive Handbook for Helping Your Child with Sensory Processing Issues, available from Penguin Books, Nancy offers information and support on her blog and website at She has been active in the SPD community since 2002.

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Hyper-Visual in a Verbal World - Autism and Communication Disorders

A child or adult with Autism or a Communication disorder will have difficulties fitting into our extremely verbal world. These difficulties can create isolation from others and threatening walls of silence. However, there is a specific sub group of people diagnosed with these disorders who have a hyper-visual system. In these cases, when the visual system is harnessed, teaching communication becomes much easier.

I Rode the Train, I Want to be an Engineer

Hyper-visual people are experiencing visually when speaking. Their communications may appear to be almost nonsensical rambling but in fact they are following a very logical pattern. The difference is the pattern followed is visual rather than verbal. The exchange below illustrates this point.

I asked Mark, a college student, "How did you get here today?"

He replied, I took the train in from Long Island. My family went to the beach (Mark was seeing himself on the train but did not say this). Maybe I will be a engineer. The reason I like engineering is that there are serious problems. (Mark was thinking about being a transportation engineering and designing train tracks and freeway intersections) I have always been good in math. When teachers are difficult to understand. (Mark is seeing himself at school doing well except when the teacher is confusing and then associating to a video he watched about Einstein)Like Dr. Einstein- There was an exhibit on Einstein at the history museum did you see it?

Mark was attempting to answer my question but his picture mind took him on quite a ride as one picture blended into the next from the train- to a vacation to an engineering career to Einstein, at the museum. The expected answer was "TRAIN". This very verbal illustration demonstrates how the visual pathway can create leap-frog thinking-which to verbal people can seem like impulsivity.

Instead of negotiating the world with verbal reasoning, a visual person often negotiates with patterns. As a result the "sameness of routines" becomes the template to make sense of the chaos of everyday life. We refer to these visual learners as "Mavericks." We often ask Mavericks to adjust to changes in schedule or adjustments in plans based on how we typically explain things - by talking. These words can create more confusion and frustration as they may not be processed at the speed expected. This lag in processing time can create resistance, immature behavior, odd play, tantrums or reluctance to participate. As a result the normal teaching methods that are based on processing incoming language can fail.

Sequencing & Associating

Visual people often use the brain's Associator to form memories. They learn of a new idea and they relate that idea to their own knowledge base. The opposite of the Associator is the Sequencer from the verbal pathway.

The Sequencer is rigid and ordering, one sound following another to make a word, words produced in specific order to form grammatically correct sentences and ideas linked in order to make paragraphs.

The Associator is time-independent and the Sequencer is very time based. Understanding consequences depends on a time based understanding of cause and effect.

My son, Whitney, at age 4, wanted to jump off of the roof to fly like Superman, without understanding, from verbal reasoning, the danger involved. Whitney would sit mesmerized watching Disney's Snow White as if he were deaf. In fact, at times, I could scream in his ear and he could not hear me even though all of the parts of his ear to brain physiology were judged to be normal. At these times his visual brain powered by his associator were shutting down his verbal sensory system.

If the pictures drive the thought, children can appear to be oblivious to cause and effect. They may disregard threatened consequences. Often Mavericks feel that they must complete the pattern to finish the thought they have developed through the associator before they can transition to the next idea. If the thought is disrupted the Maverick may hit a wall and resort to talking with lines from a movie or echoing what was said or get stuck like a broken record and repeat the same thing over and over again.

With the appropriate training, Mavericks can learn effective verbal communication. The teaching methods must first then harness the visual system first before moving forward to teaching communication.

Dr. Cheri Florance is a brain scientist with training and clinical experience in how to teach the brain to replace symptoms of communication and language disorders. In her books, Maverick Mind, ( and A Boy Beyond Reach (, she describes how she taught her own autistic son, Whitney to replace disability with ability and become symptom-free. To learn more about her own personal journey and successful methods visit her complimentary Learning Library at

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