Monday, February 21, 2011

Autism 101 - Signs Your Toddler May Have Autism

Noticing your little one is just not right can be a scary thing. Everyone always tells you how wonderful toddlers are and how interactive they can be, and your heart breaks when the months pass and you just know something is not right with your child. You search for answers, you try everything you can to make them come back to your world, only to see them pull even further away.

No one ever talks about the fact that not every child is the same. The fact that not every child is going to be that perfect, bouncing bundle of joy that gives hugs and kisses and says I love you mommy and daddy.

Instead some of us wake up to discover that our little boy is not the same as their little boy. Our little boy doesn't talk, and maybe he doesn't walk. Our little guy may even avoid contact and shy away from being touched. Our little boys, our wonderful little men, have autism. And our world breaks

Autism is on the rise. And with it the stories and the education. A child diagnosed with autism today has a much better chance of living a happy full life than a child born with autism even 10 years ago.

The educational levels are on the rise. We now know that if our sons don't talk, or begin talking only to stop it all together, they may be on the spectrum. We've also learned that if they do talk it may be in a very monotone voice. No emotion at all.

We also know that they may not interact with us. No hugs, no kisses. Not even eye contact. In fact, all three of those things, can send them into a meltdown.

We also know that textures, whether in food, or clothing can upset them beyond anything else. We've learned that they can scream wildly simply because of a smell that is bothering them.

And the sensory issues don't stop there. The noise of the world around them can literally hurt them. We've learned that sound silencing headsets can be a lifesaver.

We've come to know that them walking in circles, or flapping their arms or rocking back and forth banging their heads on the walls is a way for them to cope. Is a method of stimming. We know what stimming means.

We've also come to know, it's okay our children are different. There is nothing wrong with them being different. They are simply being children. Autistic children, who live in their own worlds. Autistic children who may never know what love means, but still you see it in their eyes the odd time you catch eye contact. Autistic little ones who may need us to care for them and protect them from the day they are born, till the day we pass away. And we're okay with that. Because autistic or not, they are OUR children.

Discovering your child has autism can be a very scary time indeed. To learn more about autism, click here!

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