Sunday, January 30, 2011

Asperger's Syndrome Symptoms and Adults: 6 Tips for Finding Support and Services

You may find yourself wondering about services for people with Asperger's syndrome, especially if you have an adult child who exhibits Asperger's symptoms and who needs some extra help. What services are available to help the post 21 crowd who have aged out of all the services available for children with Asperger's syndrome? How are they going to live independently? Will they be able to get a job? Will they be able to make enough money to live on? Here are some things you might want to look into.

Asperger's Syndrome Adult Needs

First, though, a brief overview on what the most common needs of adults with Asperger's syndrome are.

  1. Social - most adults with adults with Asperger's are very isolated due to the problems they have forming peer relationships. Worries and problems seem so much more overwhelming without support from another person.
  2. Financial - many people with Asperger's cannot work or can't earn enough to meet their financial needs.
  3. Housing - some people with Asperger's need help paying for housing, and others need supported housing, where there will be staff members on call to help with their various needs.
  4. Household tasks - Simple, everyday household chores and tasks can be very overwhelming to people with Asperger's They worry a lot about how to do something, what order to do it in, and have problems remembering to do it. Organizational problems are common with people who have Asperger's.
  5. Transportation - A lot of adults with Asperger's don't drive, due to sensory concerns and cognitive processing issues. Buses are not always feasible either, due to anxiety or sensory issues, and some areas do not have bus service.
  6. Budgeting - Many people with Asperger's have trouble making and sticking to a budget. They need help figuring out how to pay their bills and manage their money.
  7. Nutrition - Some people with Asperger's need help planning and making nutritious meals. They may tend to eat chips or snack food for meals if not given some guidance on how to cook or prepare more appropriate meals. Not all people with Asperger's will have this problem, but some will.

Services Available

  1. State developmental disability programs. These can be hard to get into. Often you need to have been disabled before a certain age, and to have an IQ at a certain, usually low, level. If you do get accepted, you will get services related to all of the above; help with daily living tasks, household chores, counseling, employment services, budgeting help, transportation help, and supported housing if you need it.
  2. Private organizations. Some private organizations do most of what the state organizations do, but also have stringent entrance requirements. These are usually paid for by Medicaid. Many offer sheltered workshops or other employment services for adults with disabilities to work in.
  3. Food stamps. If your income level is below a certain amount, then you can get food stamps. These will help you buy food for the month. How much you get differs from state to state and also according to if you have any kids or other members of your family. Call the Department of Human Services in your city and state and they will be able to direct you to the appropriate
  4. Section 8 Housing. If you need help paying for a place to live, you can apply for a Section 8 Housing voucher. The waiting lists for these vouchers are usually quite long, unfortunately. But once you get one, they can be a big help.
  5. Medicare and Medicaid. Both of these are national health insurance programs that can assist you in paying for medical needs if you are either have low-income or are disabled. This can help you pay to go to the doctor, prescriptions, and hospital stays.
  6. Social security benefits. Many people with Asperger's are eligible for disability benefits. This can help people with Asperger's who are not able to work lead an independent life.

Many of these services and programs can be very useful for people with Asperger's who need a little bit of help with their everyday living needs.

These are just a few of the answers you will need to successfully survive and thrive with Aspergers. For additional information on Asperger's Syndrome go to the web site There you will be able to sign up for the FREE Asperger's Syndrome Newsletter as well as get additional information to help your loved one be happy and succeed in life. Information is available for both children as well as teenagers and adults who have Asperger's syndrome.

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Asperger's Syndrome In Children - An Innovative New Treatment Called Floortime

There are many possible avenues to choose from when one is considering a treatment for a child with Asperger's syndrome (sometimes referred to as Asperger's disorder or pervasive development disorder). Some treatments are valid, some are not; some are based on medication or nutrition, and others on behavior modification. It is up to each parent and their child's doctor to choose the best treatment, or combination of treatments, for their child with Asperger's syndrome. One form of treatment that has been getting a lot of attention lately is called floortime.

What is floortime?

Floortime is a model of treatment that was developed by Stanley Greenspan. The central idea in this theory is that you should connect with a person with Asperger's or autism at the level they are at -- by using any of their interests or abilities that they may have to build a bridge and create a relationship.

Greenspan believes that a lot of the deficits in autism relate from problems in the emotional development of kids with Asperger's. If you interact with kids in a certain way, he says, you can help their emotional and cognitive development, and help them to better be part of the world around them.

Floortime is literally just like it sounds. Parents or caregivers get down on the floor and try to engage the child in whatever way they can. If they are playing with a toy, even in a ritualistic and repetitive way, grab another toy and mimic their movements. Copy what they're doing. Find a way to enter their world and make them notice you in a way that allows them to remain comfortable. This works better than trying to force the child into your world and can allow you to gradually help build a relationship.

What is the theory behind floortime?

Greenspan believes that kids with Asperger's are so sensitive to external stimuli at an early age that they block it out and therefore miss out on a lot of learning and early milestones that attention to that stimuli would have provided. For example, a mother putting her face near her baby's may be overwhelming, so the infant moves his head; tickling is scary rather than fun. The child starts to disengage from his parents at an early age, not because they're doing something wrong or because of a lack of capacity to feel love, but because of sensory overload.

As a result of this, the child doesn't learn things from the mother's face and the relationship with the mother that he should, such as empathy, relating to others, and understanding emotions. This leads to difficulty in communication, playfulness, humor and flexibility. But Greenspan believes that the use of floortime can recreate that relationship, and teach the child with autism or Asperger's syndrome all these skills that he missed when he was young; thus paving the way for higher level skills.

How does floortime work?

As mentioned before, floortime is about parents and caregivers finding non-overwhelming ways to engage their kids. Some therapies tell you toget into your kid's face and force them to interact with you. Greenspan believes this will just make them shut down more. So how does this work? If a child won't look at you but instead just flaps and lines up cars, get down on the floor and line up cars with him. You are meeting him at his level.

Don't move too fast, or talk; this way the child can feel another person there and begin to understand what interactive play is.

If the child is verbal, ask him questions that require answers. Follow his lead and talk about whatever he is talking about.

Keep it low pressure; just a simple exchange of words.

What is important is that your kid is interacting with you and learning about emotions, about connection and intimacy, piece by piece, while doing so.

What are the main goals of floortime?

The main goals of floortime are to encourage attention and intimacy; to have two-way communication; to have your child begin to express his desires and feelings about what he is doing; and finally to develop logical thought, where the child can connect his play to the world around him, and use it to help make sense of the world.

Floortime can be a useful treatment for children with Asperger's syndrome or autism, especially if used in addition to other Asperger's disorder treatments.

In addition to floortime, there are many other treatments which can help your loved one live a fulfilling and happy life. A great site to find information to help children with Asperger's syndrome is the web site There you will be able to sign up for the FREE Asperger's Syndrome Newsletter as well as get additional information to help your loved one be happy and succeed in life.

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Are You a Powerful Teacher For Autistic Children?

What do you think makes a powerful teacher for autistic children? If you are a teacher for individuals who are autistic, what makes you a powerful one, if you believe you are in that category? I have had the experience and knowledge to know that teachers who are powerful, are people who require certain capabilities to enhance their teaching for children with autism. For example:

* Do you believe in your student(s) that they will be successful?

* Do you believe your students will and can achieve goals, that you have given them?

* Do you give your child or students praise, compliments, encouragement for what they have accomplished? This is powerful.

* Do you motivate your child or student(s)?

* Do you try to find the interest of your child or student(s) that will motivate him or her? This is another way of being a powerful teacher.

* Do you make learning fun? Are you creative? Do you find ways that the interest is not lost for the individual?

* Do you encourage positive self-esteem? Most individuals with special needs have a low self-esteem, due to the fact that they are being corrected and need direction to understand commands. Most individuals with autism do not feel good enough to be who they are. How are you as a powerful teacher, going to change that imagine into a positive self-esteem?

* Do you want to teach the same old routine method that is acceptable, or do you want to invent new and better ways of being a great teacher, by trying new and creative methods of teaching? This kind of teaching is extremely powerful.

* Do you focus on the strengths of the child or student(s)? Do you want to explore the strengths and weaknesses of the individual and encourage them? Being aware of the strengths, will enhance the weaknesses to become a positive growth.

* Do you have communication with parent(s) or caregiver(s) that are positive?

* Do you start the conversation with your child or student with a positive note?

* Do you listen to your child or student(s) or do you think because he or she has the disorder of autism, their conversations do not count or are not valuable?

* Do you believe every individual is unique and different when it comes to your teaching method?

* Do you have an understanding and passion for your child who might be struggling with learning?

To become a powerful teacher for individuals with the disorder of autism, you will want to be willing to learn and grow according to the needs of your child or student(s). They will become enthusiastic and have a thirst for learning, your teaching will become more positive with less stress.

Are you willing to take time with passion to become that powerful teacher for autistic children?

Bonita Darula's informational web sight==> is where you SIGN up and RECEIVE your FREE WEEKLY NEWSLETTER with updated topics that are imperative for your Autistic child and you. She also offers an e-book that has updated information about the signs and warnings of Autism. Check it out.

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The Most Common Theories of Autism

One of the biggest worries that parents have is the health of their children. When you're a first time expectant mother as myself, you tend to worry much more than mothers who are not expecting their first child. In fact, my brother gave me an example about a mother of three boys. He said, "For the first child, everything was sterilized and sanitized before it went anywhere near the baby. For the second child, if a pacifier fell on the floor, it would be run through water before giving it back to the child. The third child who dropped his pacifier just went with the 5 second rule."

Since the beginning of my pregnancy, one of the biggest fears I've had is my baby's brain development. I've tried to make sure my prenatal vitamins have all organic ingredients and that most medications prescribed to me due to any pain or discomfort, were not taken. I wanted to limit my baby's chances of having a brain defect, or in many cases now, autism.

Autism is one of the biggest fears that parents now have due to the increased number of cases that have developed in the last 20 odd years. According to the 1999 Autism Report provided by the Department of Developmental Services, the diagnostic populations for autism cases increased by 210.43% from 1987 through 1998. Then in 2003, another report by the DDS stated that "From December 1998 to December 2002, the population of persons with autism in California's Developmental Services System nearly doubled."

Autism is an irreversible illness that once acquired cannot be undone. No parent likes to see their children suffer through disorders they cannot do anything about. Therefore, if precautions are necessary to be taken, then why would any parent want to be kept in the dark?

What is Autism?

First of all, what is autism? According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Autism or "Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders, characterized by social impairments, communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior."

Theories About What Causes Autism

There are many theories as to what actually causes autism. Two of the main theories have to do with genetics and vaccinations.

Genetic Theory of Autism

Studies have shown that parents who carry the gene for autism or have blood relatives with autism, are at risk of having an autistic child (or children). Continued studies are being made in regards to this subject. For instance, an article by in January 2008, stated that, "Up to 1% of autism cases may be blamed on too much or too little of a particular strand of an estimated 25 genes on chromosome 16, according to a pair of recent papers." According to the article, "One paper, published online Jan. 9 in the New England Journal of Medicine and co-authored by Dr. Daly, found that children with one or three copies of the 16p11.2 genetic segment, rather than the normal two, were at significant risk for autism. "

The above theory is only 1% of autistic cases linking to genetic cause. However, many believe that genetic factors may be the most significant cause for this disorder as lists of genetic studies continue to grow.

The Theory of Vaccinations Causing Autism

In regards to the theory that autism is caused by the vaccinations given to children, there may be two different probable causes. One is the mercury based compound, thimerosal, which has now be removed from many vaccinations since the 1990s. However, despite the removal of this compound, the cases of autism continue to climb.

The other vaccination theory has to do with the mumps, measles, and rubella (also known as MMR) vaccine. This is often given in one dose, which many believe is too much for a child's intestines to handle. It is believed that separate doses should be given at different times, rather than taking all three compounds in one vaccine at once.

Many parents refuse to have their children vaccinated, but what about the exposure their children may have to illnesses and diseases if they don't?

Scientists and researchers are aggressively doing their best to find the cause of this disorder so that perhaps a cure or proper preventative measures can be taken to decrease the number of cases for autism. For now, education is best so that parents, guardians, or those who have autism will know at best how to cope with any issues they may have with autism.

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Autism 101 - Society And Your Autistic Child

People are ignorant of things they don't know about or don't understand. Any parent of an autistic child has met with the looks of society, just because our children act differently, or behave in a manner they don't understand. Raising your sweet little one in a society that doesn't understand them can be both upsetting and frustrating, but you can't let it get to you.

Here are some tips to survive raising an autistic child in an ignorant society:

Understand that no matter what you do, there will be those moments when people stare or comment. No matter what you do or try to do, you are going to get this. It's just a part of living with an autistic child.

Know that it doesn't matter what they think. Your child is your child, and no matter how different they are, they are still your wonderful little one. Don't let society impact your relationship with your child. There is no shortage of ignorant people.

Don't feel you have to confine yourself and your child to your own home because of their behaviour. You shouldn't feel like you have to hide your child from others.

Take the chance to educate those around you. If they ask about your child, explain that they are autistic, explain that they interact and behave different. Use the time to educate those who are staring or looking at you.

Know your child. By knowing your autistic child's triggers, you can minimize them and make abnormal behaviour and meltdowns occur less frequently in public.

Give them a source to avoid their triggers. If the noise bothers them, allow them to wear their noise canceling headphones. If lights bother them, let them wear sunglasses indoors. Do what you can to make life easier for your little one, and minimize their difficulties.

Use the things they enjoy to help. If they love music, let them wear a set of headphones playing their favorite music into the store or where ever you are going. If a video game keeps their mind of the chaos f the grocery store, so be it.

Taking your child into public will always carry with it some degree of ignorance. Learn to ignore or educate those around you, and focus on your and your child and you will overcome whatever the world has to throw at the two of you. Don't let society suck the life out of you.

Raising an autistic child can be both demanding and rewarding. For more tips to help you, click here!

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Autism 101 - How To Minimize Meltdowns In Your Autistic Child

Almost every parent of an autistic child has reached the realization that meltdowns are a part of our daily lives. Our children cannot cope with the world around them, and therefore their only way to communicate their dislike of things going on around them or happening to them is to have a meltdown.

These meltdowns can take a long period of time to move past, and can also be a bit embarrassing. No one likes the looks and comments you get when your child has a meltdown in public. Most just assume your child is bad or your parenting is. They don't understand that your child is simply trying to communicate.

No to worry though, there are ways that you can do to minimize meltdowns.

The first step is to understand the root cause of the meltdown. Think of all the things going on in a grocery store that can bombard their senses and throw them into overload. Bright lights, lots of people, lots of noise and just a general overloading of senses. All of this can be too much for us, never mind our sensitive children.

One way to prevent the meltdowns is to make sure you go to the store during it's least busy time. Ask the manager what the slow or quieter hours for the store are and shop during them.

You can also try shopping at smaller stores, which are less likely to have so much chaos going on in them. The sensory bombardment may be less at a smaller store, then it is at the larger superstores.

Give your child a chance to block everything out. Give them noise reduction headphones, or a head set playing some quiet calming music. Or give them something they can do to keep their minds off of everything that is going on around them.

Treat them. Explain to them if they make it through the shopping trip without a meltdown they can get their pick or toy, or candy at the end of it all.

An obvious, although not always practical solution is to not to bring them with you. This can help prevent the meltdowns altogether and allow you to get the shopping done quickly, without incidence.

We have to accept the likelihood of meltdowns on any outing outside our homes, but we can also do our part to minimize the meltdowns and outbursts our autistic children have. The world can overload their senses, but there are things we can do to help them, and ourselves in the process.

Raising an autistic child can be difficult and rewarding. For more tips, click here!

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Autism 101 - Some Tips To Make Life Easier For You And Your Autistic Child

Raising an autistic child can be difficult. Some days can take all your energy to keep up with them. Other days are so much easier. There are many different things you can do to make every day easier.

Here are a few ideas:

Consistency. Every child needs consistency to grow and learn, but even more so with an autistic child. Keep a daily routine and do your best to stick to it.

Also stay consistent with your verbal instructions. Though your child may not hear or react like they had been previously told the same thing, saying it in the same way each and every day can help trigger some recognition of what they need to do.

Positivity is key. For every reprimand or negative comment there should be 6-7 positive ones. Even commenting on the good job they did eating their dinner, or how well they got dressed can go a long way. Lots of positive reinforcement will encourage them to continue to do what is asked and needed of them.

Reduce the chaos in their environment. If you want them to eat dinner, make sure the only things in and around them have to do with eating and are food oriented. Taking away distractions and things that could deter them from doing what needs to be done can make things easier for the both of you.

Be proactive in correcting negative behaviours. We all learn our children's cues. Read your child's and change the behaviour before it reaches the point of reprimanding.

Frustration leads to meltdowns, quickly. If you see your child becoming frustrated do what you can to assist them and move them past the frustrating item. By being consistent and paying attention to your child's cues you can minimize meltdowns.

This last one is an important one for any parent, not just a parent of a special needs child, take time for yourself. Nothing wears us out quicker then not taking time to care for ourselves. If you don't tend to your own needs and desires, you will lack the patience you need to help your autistic child. Don't be afraid to take a little me time from time to time.

Raising an autistic child can be both demanding and rewarding. Hopefully these tips will help make each day go a little smoother for you and your child. Remember each morning starts a new day, and each day starts a new chance to make life a little easier for the both of you.

Raising an autistic child can be difficult and rewarding. For more tips, click here!

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Autism 101 - Your Autistic Child And Sleep

Ask any parent how they slept last night and you're sure to get some who grumble about the kids waking up, or not sleeping, or getting up too early. Ask the parent of an autistic child, and the answer is almost certain that they didn't have a good night sleep. Night terrors, waking to early, being too wound up, and the list goes on. Autistic children, for whatever reason, seem to have great difficulties falling asleep and staying asleep.

There are some ways you can help get yourself and your child a good nights rest.

Avoid stimulating food and drinks 2 hours before bedtime. Sugar can over excite autistic children way more than other children. Avoiding these things can help them get a good night sleep.

Help your child relax before bed. A nice warm bath, or some quiet activities can help. Avoid things like the television and other things that can stimulate them before bed.

To help them maintain their sleep, ensure there is a heavy, room darkening curtain on the window. Place thicker carpets on their bedroom floors to help insulate against noise.

You can also try a bed tent. Having a very dark, quiet comforting place to sleep can help minimize how often they wake up.

Another option is to utilize a weighted blanket. The comfort of the weight on them will prevent or minimize movement while they sleep and allow them to get a better nights rest.

Utilize light therapy. During the early hours of the day, get them as much light and sunlight as possible. This will help their own bodies realize and distinguish night and day, which can make sleeping at night better.

Turn on the white noise. If they are waking startled to household noises turn on some white noise for them. Once they become accustomed to the white noise it will play it's part in keeping them asleep and not waking up to other noises.

And lastly, you can try melatonin. This is what your body naturally makes to tell itself when to be awake and when to be asleep. Speak to your health care professionals before using this to ensure your child is receiving the correct dose.

If all else fails, try alternating with your partner or spouse as to who will get up each night with your child. This can help allow each person a night of rest, while the other tends to your child's needs.

Sleep is something we all need and tend to enjoy. Doing what you can to help your autistic child sleep, will help you get your own good nights sleep.

Autism affects the world around us. For more tips on parenting your autistic child, click here!

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What Are the Main Symptoms of Autism?

It's a fact that parents really can tell when something is off with a child, even though autism symptoms can be quite different in children. Also, to complicate matters, autism symptoms are the same as with other disorders; so it really is necessary to have a specialist examine your child. Today we'll talk about the more often-seen symptoms of autism, but do keep in mind that the symptoms vary and their expression can be different from child to child.

Our first discussion concerns (autistic) children who exhibit tantrum like behavior even when nothing is apparently wrong. Yet, tread carefully here because non-autistic children can sometimes do this, too.

If you're in doubt, based on that behavior and possibly others, then do have a chat with your doctor and seek professional guidance. Behavior is part of the mystery of autism because when the child all of a sudden is extremely angry, upset, or hysterical the parent is baffled as to why.

The thing to keep in mind is that behavior of autistic people is often not related at all the world as we know it, and therefore they don't react to the world as we would expect. In these extreme situations where the autistic child can actually pose a threat, then there is medicine that can be prescribed to manage the behavior.

Sometimes the symptoms of autism can be disturbing, as when a child engages in self-destructive behavior. Although not found in every autistic child, some will cause themselves injury by hitting themselves, banging their heads or inappropriately playing with dangerous objects. Autistic kids must have extra supervision. Sometimes medication or physical restraint is required to keep them from harming themselves.

Many autistic children with these tendencies are institutionalized, as their parents are unable to take care of their special needs. Because these symptoms can be present in normal children too it is a good idea to get an expert diagnosis.

Very many people are familiar with example of extreme talents observed in autistic people, and very frequently the talent is noticeable early in life. Maybe you have heard of the phrase, autistic savant? The range of talents can include musical ability, mathematical prowess, or highly skilled in painting.

In the past, before autism was understood, such people were often labelled "idiot savants," as they were thought to be of low intelligence apart from the one ability they had. The current understanding about autism is they possess normal intelligence, even higher than normal, yet something is wrong that causes them to process reality in a different manner than the rest of us. Mental retardation does occur in autistic children/adults, too, though. The impressive nature of autistic savants is they have not received any training at all in their specialties, it seems to be innate. What you have just read are the more often seen symptoms seen in children and adults with autism. The degree of expression is dependent on the seriousness of the affliction in any particular individual. Parents who observe symptoms of autism in their children should find out as soon as possible whether their child is autistic so the right treatment can be started.

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Natural Vitamin and Mineral Supplement Protocol for Autistic Children

Essential Daily Vitamins and Minerals for Autistic Children.

I am writing this article for parents of autistic children who are struggling day to day seeking to find ways to help their children. As a proud parent of an autistic child, I have spent thousands of dollars in supplements, various natural and conventional doctors and testing. As an avid researcher, I have placed forth in this article the foundation of my research to safely and naturally help you to help your children.

I accredit a great deal of my research breakthroughs to Pfeifer Treatment Center, Dr. Garry F. Gordon, Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, Dr. William Shaw, and Dr. Bernard Rimland. When starting on a natural path to help your children. Dr. Jethro Kloss one of the best documenters of alternative medicine explained it best. It takes 6 months of cure for each year of affliction when using alternative medicine. Homeopathy and Vitamin therapy may present some immediate improvements that you notice within the first month. It takes time. I have found that most parents give up on a natural therapy because it doesn't work as fast as drugs. Drugs suppress the issue and natural modalities can offer a way to pinpoint the source of concern in the body that recovers the healing process.

I write this out of my years of heartache and hundreds of hours of research. I have made great breakthroughs with several natural modalities, most of which I will present in this article.

My major disagreement with mainstream doctors and medicine is that autism is being treated more as a psychological issue. I believe anyone treating autism as a psychological disorder is going in the wrong direction. Autism is best treated as a biological disorder. Using principles of naturopathic medicine can lend more answers to this growing diagnosis.

Most practitioners and parents have noticed more success in helping autistic children by treating the digestive disorders, eliminating allergies, environmental toxins, and nutritional diet adjustments.

This area does not incorporate drugs into therapy. The only exception made for incorporating drugs is to be used for a brief time as a rescue from the child harming themselves if they are extremely volatile in nature, while in conjunction to implementing natural therapy to taper off of drugs.

Autism is indicated with altered central nervous system function and brain function. It starts with immune dysfunction, allergies, and digestive dysfunction that can onset early in a child's age. Natural modalities focus in on clearing up the gastrointestinal tract which is often a mess in autistic children.

Autistic children excrete great amounts of sulfate in their urine approximately ten times more than normal children. It is a great disservice to give autistic children processed foods such as sandwich meats, hot dogs, canned products that are high in sulfate additives. Why? Because when an autistic child excretes sulfates it also simultaneously pulls out of the body Cysteine. Cysteine is vital in producing glutathione which is essential for health brain function. Schizophrenia and bi-polar disorders are often associated with low glutathione levels. This also causes autistic children to build up and not filter many toxins out of the body.

Most autistic children have the inability to digest protein properly. This is indicated by a pancreatic enzyme deficiency. This lends a factor into having digestive and gastrointestinal problems. Diarrhea and constipation are often rotating problems due to their ability to store toxins in the body. There is also "Leaky Gut Syndrome" where there may be tiny perforations in the gut lining which cause toxins from the gut to leak into the blood stream. This is noted by evidence of lactulose in a stool test, which can easily be given to a child to determine if they have leaky gut. Testing can also show presence of protein fragments from the incomplete digestion of gluten (wheat) and casein (dairy). A comprehensive stool analysis can be done in the comfort of your own home and shipped to a reputable laboratory for analysis. A source for testing is Great Plains Laboratory.

Some of these protein fragments bind to opioid receptors in the brain. This result in highly hyperactive behavior, aggressive behavior, and inability to focus, retain memory or attention. These protein fragments from leaky gut leaking into the blood stream and blocking the opiod receptors in the brain is what drives the abnormal behaviors we observe.

Another neurotoxin that can be secreted into the blood stream from leaky gut syndrome is Claustridium. Researchers at the University of Michigan describe an interesting case where a dog accidentally ate feces from an autistic child and as a result went into a coma for 7 days. "Researchers found a high presence of claustridial toxins in the fecal matter of the autistic child."

Natural Treatment Protocol

I am still heavily researching DMSA chelation. DMSA chelation is done to eliminate mercury and other heavy metals. Even though parents have reported improvements in behavior, I do not feel comfortable reporting any research on it as yet. I had more success with homeopathic chelation for heavy metal toxicity. I will describe this protocol in detail in an upcoming article.

The best thing that can be done primarily is eliminate as many common allergenic foods as possible. This includes corn, wheat, soy and nuts. There are parents that have found success eliminating dairy and white as well as wheat flour based products.

My child has been on a gluten free diet for four years. I have eliminated all dairy with the exception of parmesan cheese. There have been some great Gluten free recipes creating tasty snacks with parmesan. I have found her behavior to be calmer and focused on this diet. Most parents notice when they accidentally slip up and give a child something out of the diet context, they observe certain abnormal behaviors return soon after ingesting gluten or casein. It took me about 45 days before I noticed improvement. This can vary based upon the degree of your child's condition.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids are a big must have. Autistic children are almost always deficient. Omega-3 is critical for normal neurologic development. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet has recomended that 1,000 mg per day is a reasonable starting dose, there are some parents with older children age 11 and up who can safely go as high as 3,000 mg.

NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) most children with autism are cysteine deficient. Many practitioners endorse this as the foundation of treatment. NAC is a forerunner of glutathione, an essential player in detoxing the important hepatic pathways. Dosage is recommended to start low at. 25 mg/day and every three months increase by 25 mg until you reach up to 200 mg daily.

Probiotics must be implemented. Some natural doctors wait until severe GI abnormalities are cleared to use them. However, Probiotics are safe for adults and children of all ages. I would not recommend waiting. The best kinds are found in the refrigerated section of many health food stores. It is important to replenish the gut with healthy flora to strengthen the immune system. Probiotic supplements are the easiest and safest way to accomplish this.

Vitamins A, C, E, and beta carotene are all important antioxidants. Children with autism are usually deficient. Pfiefer Treatment Center recommended for my daughter a Vitamin A in the form of lemon flavored Cod Liver Oil. I ordered it from You must keep it refrigerated. I gave her one tablespoon full in a Dixie cup mixed with a touch of natural orange syrup (you can buy flavored syrups from your pharmacist) and in the beginning I would administer it with an oral syringe. Now my daughter just takes the Dixie cup on her own. Vitamin C I in a Raspberry Flavored drink powder packet called "Emergen C". In the beginning I would just mix ½ tsp of the crystals with the natural orange flavored syrup in an oral syringe. Currently, my daughter drinks it with water. The best Vitamin E I have found is made by Carlson Labs or Solgar. For younger children you can break one the capsule and mix the 400 IU with natural syrup if your child does not swallow capsules.

P-5-P also known as Pyridoxal 5' Phosphate is the coenzyme form of Vitamin B6 that is more easily absorbed by the body. I am still conducting research on various forms of Vitamin B. There is an area of vitamin B research that is indicative of which form of B is best for your child based upon their condition. For now I can safely recommend pyridoxal 5 phosphate. I will produce further research on the effective modality of taking vitamin B complex in an upcoming article. Pyridoxal 5 phosphate is vital to neurotransmitter brain balance.

Zinc picolinate is needed to promote both serotonin and melatonin in the brain. Zinc-deficient children are often irritable, depressed and difficult to calm. Autistic patients are usually deficient in zinc, magnesium, and calcium. Calcium and Magnesium are best taken in powder form at bed time with zinc picolinate. I have previously written an article on Associated Content which explains the importance of taking calcium along with the best way to do it. Pycnogenol, derived from French pine trees, and L-theanine, created from green tea, has been effective in improving cognitive function and helping to produce a calm but focused attention. The best form of L- theanine I have found is a chewable orange flavored tablet created by Dr. Michael Murray of Focus Factors.

Co-enzyme Q10, and DMAE (dimethyl aminoethanol) are also recommended for healthy brain receptor function. Some natural practitioners implement into this L-carnitine and/or L-carnosine. I am still researching the efficacy o f L-carnitine and L-carnosine. I am also out to lunch on Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum). There are tests that show autistic children with having liver dysfunction. Milk Thistle is the recommended mode for cleansing and detoxifying the liver. However, I have not fully evaluated this treatment process.

Selenium can be taken in a dose of 25 mcg/day. This mineral acts as a detoxifying agent detoxification by binding to mercury by forming selenium-mercury complexes that can be safely excreted in the urine. It is also an essential part of production of glutathione peroxidase, an important antioxidant enzyme.

Putting It All Together

I have just named off several recommendations. You are probably wondering how you will get your child to take all of these things in a day. Most parents treating their children under natural protocols administer up to 30-68 various different items per day. If your child can swallow capsules you divide the dosages and choose two-three times per day.

You take can give the Omega 3's, NAC, Probiotics,Vitamins A, C, E, and CoQ10 with Breakfast

P5P, Pycnogenol, L-Theanine, Selenium, Co-Q10 with Lunch

Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc with Dinner/ bedtime.

I have broken this down considering that the recommendations made above taken with breakfast are the optimal time to be ingested and absorbed in the body.

If you child does not swallow capsules

You can mix it in a smoothie, shake, or sorbet. Most parents buy a mortar and pestle to crush the capsules ( or pin hole gel caps and squeeze out liquid or powder). They mix it in a suspended flavored syrup from your local pharmacy. Flavored syrups used in beverages ( strawberry, vanilla etc.) also work as well.

There are natural compounding pharmacies that can formulate this into 1-2 capsules for your child. However, I recommend taking them as separate components for the first month, in case you need to adjust dosages so you can perfect what your child needs before compounding the formula.

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The Language of Music: Helping Develop Communication Skills With Musical Theory

According to Victor Hugo "Music expresses that which can not be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." While music is an expression of emotional and artistic value, it also helps form the building blocks of our ability to communicate. Singing to young children seems to come naturally to parents but even our one-sided conversations with young children take on unique tonal variations, i.e. 'baby talk'. For many on the autism spectrum and other non-verbal learners, developing an understanding of musical theory may also help foster core communication skills.

The A, B, C's

Western musical theory makes use of the A, B, C pattern to label the tonalities that make up an octave. The act of working with these symbols, pairing them with other indicators, i.e. musical notes and arranging them in stylized patterns mirrors typical skills associated with early grammar.

Spelling Words

Musical notation is conveniently divided into measures or bars. While these all contain a certain number beats, developing the skill of reading music involves combining these variables (or notes in each measure) and executing the response. Students of music will understand that when you encounter the notes C, E and G, you execute a C Major chord without consciously identifying each note. In other words, we all had to be taught to identify certain combinations of letters and then read them without breaking down each letter or syllable. Reading and playing music follow these same principles.

Forming Sentences

Not surprisingly, if each measure is comparable to a word, then reading multiple measures can be viewed as a reading a sentence. Reading musical notation also follows the 'top left - to bottom right' sequence used in western grammar. Students and connoisseurs of Bach will note that later, advanced music often has multiple "voices" which can each be seen as simultaneous sentences being enacted or played by the musician(s).

Conjugate the Verb

Music, as with grammar, has its own series of rules and standards. Codas, sharps, flats, repeats, rests and other concepts can be taught but eventually become second nature. I would be hard-pressed to recall each and every grammatical rule concerning verb conjugation, yet the knowledge is expressed in the execution.

About the author:

Mr. Jeffrey Young is the President and Founder of Innovative Piano, Inc. Mr. Young has published over 17 books dealing with music and autism. To learn more about the author and the program please visit

Innovative Piano, Inc.

Offering piano lessons for students with autism - Nationwide!

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Special Needs Resources - Matching Providers With Special Needs Families

Caring for a special needs child or adult is a challenging task and finding special needs resources can be even harder. Although there is a vast array of special needs resources available, locating compassionate and skilled providers to match with your child or loved one takes time and due diligence, which many parents or caretakers don't have. Managing one's own life consumes a good portion of the day, so that's why knowing where to find professionals with the experience and background to assist with the development of special needs people is vital.

Sure, there are local government agencies that can help but at times getting to the right persons is difficult and the process of getting public assistance can take weeks. However, the Internet is a wonderful medium to quickly find service providers and special needs resources offered by private organizations and nonprofits that want to help those in need. Typically, these entities have at the helm or in their executive ranks, someone that has been personally impacted by having to support or directly care for loved ones with special needs. This makes a huge difference in level of service provided and quality of service providers recommended because of the personal experience such organizations have with persons with developmental disabilities.

A variety of agencies are available ranging from autism, cognitive disabilities, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and a host of other special needs. Some offer training and articles, videos, and others even have online directories that allow for parents and caretakers to contact service providers within their online portal. As you will discover, there are blogs discussing these topics and sites with calendars to keep locals abreast of the latest happenings special needs activities. Other sites aggregate resources solely for the purpose of being kind of a special needs traffic cop making sure that visitors stay on the right road to find the assistance needed.

You'll want to use Google to find agencies in your area by typing in the search box such terms as special needs resources (Arizona)... add the state or city to narrow your search results and find what you're looking for with better accuracy and quicker. More keywords are: children with special needs, special need children, adults with special needs, autism resources, and so on. After entering the search terms or keywords, if you don't like the search results, scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for words "Searches related to {keywords}", which is Google's recommendations to assist you in finding what you need.

Tyler Burke has a burden for providing special needs resources and writes about developmental disabilities. For information and advice on finding special needs, developmental disabilities diagnosis (ddd Arizona) and autism resources, visit

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How to Identify Atypical Aspergers Syndrome

The incidence of Asperger's Syndrome is on the rise. Asperger's is one of the Autistic Spectrum Disorders, or ASD's. Whenever we see a spike in the incidence of a disorder, I always ask the questions "is this disorder/syndrome occurring more frequently? Or, are we simply diagnosing it more often? Is it the new 'fashionable' diagnosis?" These are important professional questions. Labels and diagnoses can shape a future for the better or worse. We shouldn't diagnose lightly. Many implications follow a diagnosis.

I am seeing with more frequency, elements of Asperger's Syndrome in children but an absence of some key identifying symptoms. The diagnostic criteria listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV (DSM-IV, the manual authorized by the American Psychiatric Association) is far too lengthy to re-print here in an article. Some highlights are as follows:

1. Qualitative impairment in social interaction.

2. Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities.

3. The disturbance causes clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

4. There is no significant general delay in language (e.g., single words used by age 2 years, communicative phrases used by age 3 years).

5. There is no clinically significant delay in cognitive development of age-appropriate self-help skills, adaptive behavior (other than in social interaction), and curiosity about the environment in childhood.

6. Criteria are not met for another specific Pervasive Developmental Disorder or Schizophrenia. (1)

You can search on-line or at your library for a more detailed listing of the diagnostic criteria.

I am using the term "Atypical Asperger's Syndrome" to refer to children whom seem to meet some of the criteria but not all. Things just don't seem to click for these kids. They just don't engage the way other children do.

Atypical Aspergers may be best discussed by comparing it to some other possible diagnoses that we may be ruling out. They are as follows:

· Social Anxiety Disorder: Children with this disorder may appear quite shy. They are hesitant to engage with other children. They prefer the company of adults. In differentiating this from Atypical Asperger's, the Asperger's child isn't remotely upset, concerned or bothered by the fact that they aren't included in the group. Or, they are included in the group but remain somewhat permanently distant. They can play side by side with other children without really interacting with the other child.

· Low Intellectual Functioning: Upon initial observation, the Atypical Aspergers child may appear dull or lacking in intelligence. The low intellectual functioning child generally will perform poorly in school and require basic skills level classes. The Atypical Asperger's child however is most often bright. They do well on test despite appearing lost or disinterested.

Asperger's Syndrome children typically make poor eye contact, speak in limited phrases, are tangential, prefer social isolation. They display a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests or achievements with others. They also display a lack of social or emotional reciprocity.

I am seeing Atypical Asperger's children who make good eye contact. They are often capable of conducting a conversation with me in the office. They often perform this better in the office because I'm an adult. Parents and teachers report that these children are less skilled in conversation with their peer age group. They may spontaneously share experiences or achievements but often at inappropriate times, interjecting such into a discussion somewhat randomly. And although they are bright, if I were their age I wouldn't be very interested in what they talk about. They appear immature, because they are socially immature.

For some reason, the Atypical Asperger's child doesn't seem interested in athletics and also not very good at them. I don't fully understand the neurology involved but I'm suspecting a connection.

Fashionable Syndrome?

I was discussing Asperger's with my 24 year old son just last week. We were looking at the homes of America's richest tech guys, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and "the facebook guy" Mark Zuckerberg. Our conversation led us to "how many of these very bright and creative guys have Asperger's." And we must make an important point, just because someone appears socially awkward doesn't mean that they have any disorder at all, let alone Aspergers. It was simply a conversation. I am not diagnosing any of these individuals from afar and have no idea if any of them have any version of Asperger's Syndrome. The point though is that he told me that in his 20 something age group it has become "fashionable" to say that you have Asperger's. It is sort of a badge of honor and an easy explanation for ones "quirkiness" now in social situations. Guys in bars and clubs are using this to create an aura of "intellectual elite" associated to themselves. I see it as a way of saying "I'm really better and smarter than you and you couldn't possibly really understand me so don't even try." It's the new "I'm a nerd" declaration. Remember when being called a nerd was an insult? Remember when it became a badge of honor years later? This also points out that the more evident cases of adult Atypical Asperger's Syndrome occur in bright creative people. I don't believe that the incidence is higher in bright people than less bright people. We simply notice it more because we notice high achievers overall more than lesser achievers.

This may seem strange or unusual at first glance. But think of how often you hear people referring to "my ADD." I hear this all the time. It's become the excuse for everything. Any time someone forgets, fails to complete a project or return a phone call promptly, they announce that it's there ADD. So to think that now the fashionable disorder or "disorder du jour" is something called Asperger's, doesn't surprise me in the least. We, as a society, are influenced by media and current fashion. All of the Autistic Spectrum disorders are in "fashion" in the media.

And this points to a concern. Certain diagnoses become popular. Think of this timeline. The popular diagnosis in the 1980's was "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome." I bet you forgot about that one. When was the last time you heard of someone having it? Not recently, eh. Where did it go? What was the cure? In the 1990's ADD and ADHD came into full bloom, even though we were talking about it in the 80's. They've hung on pretty well too. But in the 2000's we began to see a lot of children with Bipolar Disorder. When I first began in this field in the 1980's this diagnosis was restricted for adults. The, it was expanded. Eventually, it became an all too frequently used diagnosis. Today, the incidence of all of the Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnoses is seen with greater and greater frequency. Asperger's Syndrome and what I'm calling Atypical Asperger's Syndrome fall under the category of ASD. We must remember that diagnoses can carry education and social baggage. This baggage can be useful or limiting. Hiding behind a diagnosis can limit growth and development. Self-Esteem can be enhanced or damaged by a diagnosis. A proper diagnosis can lead to understanding and open up opportunity.

I believe that I'm seeing a lot of Atypical Asperger's in my practice. Truth is, we're all different from one another. Thinking that there is a way to be, grow and develop in childhood or adulthood is inaccurate. We all function within a range on a scale. Atypical Asperger's is simply on a different part of that scale than most people are accustomed.

Here are some basic considerations if you question whether your child may have a form of Asperger's Syndrome:

  1. Your child is bright but doesn't interact well with peers.
  2. Your child doesn't have a normal filter when expressing himself. He says inappropriate things at inappropriate times.
  3. He doesn't seem too bothered to be on the "outside" of things socially.
  4. He is preoccupied or his focus on certain activities is abnormal or unusually intense.
  5. He is preoccupied with parts of objects in a way that others are not.
  6. His conversation runs to things that are completely dis-interesting to others, and he fails to notice.

This is not an exhaustive or comprehensive list. But it's a good start. Get a comprehensive assessment if you think this may be a problem.

Feel free to contact me for assistance in assessment or treatment. Even if just to ask me a question via email, I am available.

Copyright 2010 John Hudome, all rights reserved.

References: (1) Desk Reference To The Diagnostic Criteria From DSM-IV-TR, Copyright 2000 American Psychiatric Association.

John B Hudome, DCH, LCSW
Dr Hudome is a Doctor of clinical Hypnotherapy and a LCSW with a very active practice in Maple Shade, NJ. John has been a practicing clinician since 1984. He began studying and practicing hypnosis and hypnotherapy in 1989. His humorous style must not hide the fact that he is a serious and astute reader of people. He is able to cut through complex problems and simplify them into changeable parts. Dr Hudome's practice also involves treating children and families experiencing difficulty with ADD and ADHD, Asperger's and parent child conflicts.

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Why There Is Need to Create Autism Awareness?

Autism is a disorder and not a disease as is usually presumed. It affects the development of the neurons and is usually characterized by impaired interaction, communication and in other cases, there occurs a repetitive behavior. The characteristics are easy to identify and can precisely be pointed out in a three year old child. This is a worrying statistic that greatly emphasizes the need to have autism awareness raised so that parents are able to take the necessary steps should their child display such traits.

This disorder affects how information is processed in the brain. The disorder changes the usual way of communication between nerve sells. A known fact about this disorder is that it can be obtained genetically. Parents with a child suffering from autism can easily find out from which side of their families the disorder came from.

However, a genetic background is not the sole source of the autism disorder. It has been known to be caused by agents that cause birth defects. Currently, there are ongoing arguments as to whether the disorder can be caused by environmental factors that surround us such as pesticides, heavy metals among many others. However, this is still under debate and researchers are hard at work trying to establish the authenticity of this claim. As a result of this awareness, majority of the population will be well informed and the associated organizations will pump in money to oversee that studies are carried out and appropriate recommendations are suggested.

Autism can easily be identified even in a child and its symptoms are traceable even within two years after the child was born. While the observation of a child's behavior is very much emphasized, that does not mean that the first unusual behavior you realize is an indication that your child has autism. You cannot be justified to jump to such a conclusion as a result of just one observation. Look out for a recurrence in most if not all of the behavioral characteristics associated with the disorder and then you can take the necessary steps. With extensive awareness, it will become much easier and faster to detect the disorder.

In conclusion, autism is a disorder that appears a few months after the child is born. The first symptoms may be detected at six months and one may have a precise answer of the presence of autism when the child is three years old. The ongoing emphasis on autism awareness will greatly help in identifying the disorder soon enough so that necessary measures may be taken to ensure the child has an easy time growing up.

To know more about Autism and spread the Autism Awareness Click here

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Applied Behavior Analysis Offers More Than Memorization

If you look at what many parents who have never tried ABA therapy have to say about it, you will find that the biggest misconception is that the therapy offers nothing more than rote memorization. To an outsider, it can be a very easy mistake to make, but the simple fact is that Applied Behavior Analysis is much more than this. In fact, it is the only treatment for autism accepted by most school systems and insurance companies alike and the reason for this is that there are countless studies and patients who can prove that it works.

ABA therapy starts off with memorization as a main goal. Discrete trial teaching is all about repetition and helping a child memorize the basic steps that will help him or her to complete a basic action, such as learning to get dressed, brush their teeth, or even ride the school bus. These lessons depend very much on memorization in order to be effective, and even use prompting to help a child memorize the action or behavior. However, memorization is only a small piece of the overall picture.

One thing that parents of children with an autism spectrum disorder understand is that these children learn differently than their peers. While most children are able to convey emotions and to make inferences based solely on what they see around them, autistic children need help learning these ideas and concepts. With ABA therapy, memorization not only helps them learn behaviors, but it helps to create new pathways in the brain that help them learn to pick up concepts and ideas from what they observe. Over time, this actually helps make them much more able to learn in the same way as their peers and can help them learn to function in the same classroom.

While it can be easy for a casual observer to look at Applied Behavior Analysis and write it off as sheer memorization, it is certainly much more than this. ABA is an incredibly effective teaching tool and a necessity for children who suffer from autism spectrum disorder. These children are highly intelligent and capable, and with the right training, they can learn to function almost identically to their peers. As parents, we all want our children to receive the highest quality education. ABA therapy offers that, and it offers hope to parents who just want to see their child stop suffering from the symptoms of these disorders.

Garrett Butch is the father of a 6 year old with autism and the founder of Maximum Potential Group.

Maximum Potential has developed courses that train parents and school systems how to work with children with autism.

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Autism - It's Not The Shots

Today it has been breaking news that the one study linking autism to childhood vaccinations was falsified. Yes, that is correct it was fraud. The study conducted in 1998 by British doctor Andrew Wakefield has been retracted from the Lancet. Apparently the doctor falsified information about the children in the study. Including the fact that 5 of the children had previously documented developmental problems prior to receiving vaccines. When this sole study was published, it caused the masses of people to stop vaccinating their children and many people were sure that it was the mercury in the vaccines causing autism. The scare caused the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to recommend removing the mercury based preservative from vaccines. Since the removal of the preservative in virtually all vaccines in 2001, rates of autism still continue to rise at alarming rates.

Now that it has been brought to light that this study is false, it is time to start focusing on other possible and probable causes. Environmental factors are beginning to be looked at very closely and I suspect that now it will be studied much more. Some factors that are possible causes are; certain foods, infectious disease, heavy metals, diesel exhaust, PCB's, phthalates, brominated flame retardants, pesticides, and phenols used in making plastics, among other things. Researchers studied a group of children in Los Angeles and found that there was an increased risk for autism in mother's who gave birth that were living within 1000 feet of a freeway.¹ Another study in Swedish children found that children who lived in homes with vinyl flooring, which can emit phthalates, had an increased risk of autism.²

Given the amount of chemicals that our children our exposed to on a daily basis, inside and outside of our homes, I am not surprised that the rates of autism continue to climb. It is imperative that we try to protect our children as much as we can from the other possible causes. Many have believed since this study was published that it was vaccines, more than likely without paying any attention to other causes. While it is possible that vaccinations are a cause, it has not been proven and we cannot rule out other possibilities as more and more studies are showing us. To continue to not vaccinate our children on the sole basis of this falsified study, is potentially setting ourselves up for a resurgence of diseases that have almost all been eliminated from the population.




It is Gena's passion to explore, research, and write about healthy living topics. Her concern for people and the planet are her driving force. Gena Marie writes a healthy living blog called Life Synergy at Gena also has a online healthy living shop that carries natural, organic, and sustainable daily living products. Gena Marie Living Green at:

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Autism, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Dietary Supplements and The Interval Between Pregnancies

Autism is a neurological scourge that affects as many as 1 out of 120 individuals. The causes of autism are poorly understood.

A very large study of pregnant women was able to determine that if the interval between pregnancies is less than 2 years, the risk for autism rises 3 fold! If the interval between pregnancies is 3 years or more, the incidence of autism drops to a base level that doesn't seem to vary much with regard to the incidence of autism and the interval between pregnancies. The study looked at over 400,000 pregnancies.

The study was unable to determine the reason(s) for the difference in the rates of autism when compared to the interval between pregnancies. The researchers suggested that it was likely that deficiencies in the mother's chemical make-up following the first pregnancy were not corrected by the time the mother became pregnant again. Genetic and other factors were not addressed.

Does this information position humankind for a paradigm shift about how we look at dietary and nutritional supplements? Several generations ago, scientist discovered vitamins. Vitamins are derived from ammonia and contain a nitrogen molecule. At first, nutritionists looked to find natural sources of the various vitamins. The mutiny on the English ship Bounty is based on the attempt to transfer and cultivate the breadfruit from one part of the Pacific to another. Breadfruit contains high amounts of vitamin C.

The next step was to manufacture vitamins and in some cases use them to treat various conditions such as malnutrition, wound healing etc.

This was followed by the current supplemental phase. People are free to supplement their diets with vitamins even when they are otherwise healthy. But the current mantra remains that if you have a balanced diet, you don't need vitamin supplementation.

Are we ready for the next step? The study on autism suggests that healthy people may be able to prevent or reduce the incidence of autism by extending the period between pregnancies to at least 3 years. But could there be more that could be done to lower the risk of autism?

We know that folic acid taken at critical times during fetal development will reduce the risk of neural tube abnormalities in the baby. There are other examples of the benefits of supplementation. Let's consider omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential nutrients. They are vitafats. Every cell needs omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 is essential for building normal neural pathways. Researchers have found that neural pathways built from Omega 6 fatty acids differ substantially from the neural wiring that occurs when omega 3 fatty acids are available.

Do omega 3 fatty acids cure autism? No. But omega 3 fatty acids are being used in neurological conditions with significant abnormalities. The basis for their use is the belief that these vitafats give the individual the best cellular environment and chance for combating these neurological abnormalities. After all, omega 3 fatty acid is vital, essential and our cells have to have it.

Maybe you've never heard about omega 3 fatty acids and their benefits. benefits of fish oil

When it comes to finding a reliable and proven source of omega 3 fatty acids, not just any source will do. There are bio-availability, sustainability and processing issues. New Zealand is a great if not the best source of omega 3 fatty acids. For purity and assay quality, the New Zealand government encourages fishing preserves, freshness and more. All these additional steps and considerations benefit you.

See why New Zealand is the best source for this vitafat. Simply click right here and find out more.

New Zealand and the best vitafats

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Functional Neurology and Allergy Elimination Treatment to Free Autistic Children From Autism

Autism / PDD-NOS

What is Autism?

In one of the uncanny synchronicities of science, autism was first recognized on two continents nearly simultaneously.

Leo Kanner discovered it in 1940. "A developmental disorder of language and social development in which a child is socially withdraw, tends to avoid direct eye contact, shun physical contacts, fail to recognize facial and visual cues, and has impaired social interactions with family and peers."

In 1943, Kanner published a monograph outlining a curious set of behaviors he noticed in 11 children at John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. A year later, a pediatrician in Vienna named Hans Asperger, who had never seen Kanner's work, published a paper describing four children who shared many of the same traits. Both Kanner and Asperger gave the condition the same name: autism - from the Greek word for self, autds - because the children in their care seemed to withdraw into iron-walled universes of their own.

Autistic children may seem to have a complete lack of awareness of others or fail to comprehend their behavior upon others.

Child often becomes self absorbed and socially isolated.

Child often has serious problems emotional expression-little to no eye contact and smiling, no obvious outward joy, or sadness - no "connection".

Child may become intensely preoccupied with objects and toys, or in clutching a prop, and may have a profound dependence on routine activities, meaning less rituals with little deviation, and fear of unusual items and situations.

Hand flapping, twiddling fingers, rocking, pacing, tics, twirling, and bizarre repetitive body movements often seen.

Self injurious behavior (SIB) may appear.

May not speak much despite a high rate of comprehension.

Echolalia is common.

Speech is typically high-pitched and "singsong".

May exhibit self-stimulatory behavior - "STIMMING" ---- Any behavior the child uses repetitively to soothe himself.

Absence of pointing objects (a sense of sharing with others ones experience) is a defining characteristic. Lack of "theory of mind".

Epilepsy is common (25-30%).

A classic "spectrum" disorder as symptoms and behavior can and often vary widely.

10% may be gifted "savants" (Dustin Hoffman's portrayal of - Rainman).

12-18 months is the usual age of onset, usually before the age of 30 months.

Symptoms generally ALWAYS APPEAR BEFORE THE AGE OF THREE YEARS-BY DEFINITION. However, children not fully diagnosed until almost age 3.

Most seem to develop completely normally for the first year, then digress, losing even language they may have already acquired.

4-5 times more likely in males, 80% are males.

Among the first reliable signs of autism appears to be lack of joint attention, gaze holding, and pretend play at 18 months. These difficulties signal a failure to attend and is later manifest in failure on simple false belief test.

What Raises a Baby's Risk of Autism?

Study Flags Possible Association from Parents, Pregnancy, Birth. Pregnancy factors, parental psychiatric history, and preterm delivery may be associated with an increased risk of Autism. American Journal of Epidemiology, May 18, 2005. Here are the potential associations noted in the study:

Breech presentation of the baby

Low Apgar score, an index used to evaluate the condition of a newborn five minute after birth

Birth before 35 weeks of pregnancy

Parental history of schizophrenia-like psychosis

Parental history of affective disorder, which includes some psychoses, depression, and bipolar disorder

However, those traits are not presented as definite causes of autism or the only possible risk factors for the condition. Of course, not all babies born under those circumstances have autism or related disorders.

From my own clinical observation, parents with increased tendency of food and/or chemical allergies or allergy related conditions tend to have higher risk of having autistic children.

Imaging Studies

According to scientists, MRI research studies have shown that the brains of autistic individuals have particular abnormalities in the cerebellum, brain stem, hippocampus, amygdala, the limbic systems, and frontal cortex.

In autism, subtle brain abnormalities are present from birth. Infants and toddlers move their bodies differently. From 6 months to 2 years, their heads grow much too fast. Parts of their brain have too many connections, while other parts are underconnected.

Moreover, their brains show signs of chronic inflammation in the same areas that show excessive growth. The inflammation appears to last a life time.

Is Autism Treatable?

It depends on whom you talk to regarding autism treatment. Most doctors are still holding on to their old outdated autism treatment model.

The old autism treatment model refers to genetic factors, prenatal conditions, and hard wired brains; therefore, autism is untreatable and hopeless.

The new treatment model refers to environmental factors, pre and postnatal conditions, and the malleable brain; therefore, treatment is possible and some kids recovered.

How Do We Help Autistic Children?

By combining all knowledge learned from several medical disciplines, there are many different non-drug and non-invasive techniques we use to help autistic children and other developmental disorders children. The treatment protocol is very dynamic depends on the deficiencies of the brain function of each individual. Whatever we do, the goals of the treatment are to balance the brain hemispheres and to eliminate food and/or chemical allergies or allergy related conditions.

Our treatment protocol for autism and other developmental disorders is one year. Each treatment session is about an hour, three sessions per week. Usually each child only needs one year of treatment before he can enter his regular school or lose his autistic diagnosis. The best age for treatment is 3 to 10 years old.

We have seen selected autistic and other developmental disorders children recovered from our treatment program with functional verbal and non-verbal skills. We may be able to help your children as well. Dr. Vincent Do, MS, DC, QME can be reached at (408)770-2194.

Dr. Vincent Do, MS, DC, QME

Education: California State Polytechnic University Pomona, University of Colorado at Boulder, Palmer College of Chiropractic West, University of East-West Medicine, Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies, Trinity School of Natural Health

A Board Eligible Chiropractic Neurologist, Dr. Vincent Do has earned over 2000+ content hours in Oriental Medicine, Functional Neurology, and Allergy Elimination. A native of Southern Vietnam, he migrated to Southern California in 1985, later moved to San Jose in 1997, then attended Palmer College of Chiropractic West and Universityof East-West Medicine. Married, with two children, he has maintained a busy chiropractic practice in San Jose, California for nine years.

Dr. Do continues study on alternative treatments of brain disorders and innovative therapies for the learning impaired.

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The Relationship Between Five Senses And Children With Aspergers

Children with Asperger's syndrome are very sensitive to the physical world around them. The usual day-to-day sights and sounds that a normal person deals with are sometimes too much for a kid with aspergers to handle. Sensitivity of the five senses is not considered by doctors to be an "official symptom" that children with aspergers have.

Children with aspergers have complained that they can hear noises that others might not, like the buzzing of fluorescent lights. Their minds are not quite able of filtering out what will usually be considered a background noise, making it hard for them to concentrate or keep up with a discussion. Loud noises seem to cause physical pain and because of this, many children with aspergers can't enjoy a place like a public pool, movie theater or video arcade.

Several of these kids have extremely sensitive taste and smell receptors and they find themselves falling back on them. Their sense of smell tends to be sharp and they're able to tell who somebody is simply by their unique body odor. Unfortunately, this heightened sense of smell could even cause them to get nauseous easily and they have a tough time coping with places that have heavy odors. The sense of taste too is elevated, which is why many children with Asperger's will eat a limited number of food and have to be careful doing small things like brushing their teeth so they do not get sick.

The sense of touch in children with Asperger's could be heightened or diminished. These kids would be able to wear only certain kinds of clothing to be comfortable if their skin is very sensitive. They may not like to work with particular materials or they may not be able to handle simply being touched by some other person. Those children that have a reduced sense of touch have problems feeling a change in temperature, pain or also a simple touch from another person.

Problems with vision are usually restricted to issues with specific colors, brightness and the content of pictures. Children with aspergers may relate colors as sounds, hearing the color in their mind. They'll look at things for too long or stand too close to items. If they're trying to find something, they may not realize its right in front of them. And most children with aspergers have a hard time making eye contact with other people.

Understanding how children with Asperger's see and relate to the world around them is vital. It aids others to deal with the unique challenges these children face and gives them the knowledge to aid the kids learn and work things out.
To discover your best resource of parental information as it refers to raising kids with aspergers check out

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How To Handle The Meltdown Of A Child With Aspergers

It's a well-known fact that children with Asperger's syndrome have the occasional meltdown. It is usually triggered by things which may perplex the normal mind but makes perfect sense to the child with aspergers. Meltdowns aren't planned, but when they happen everybody that is involved with calming down the kid feels the pain of the meltdown in their own way. When a meltdown starts the first thing you must do is make sure that everybody around the kid with aspergers and the kid remains safe until the end.

Professionals that have studied the meltdowns of children with aspergers have defined 4 distinct stages that happen that are usually followed by a recovery period. Stage one is the 'starting out' stage, where you as a parent would start to hear whispers of a meltdown coming on.

Stage two is the 'picking up steam' stage, where it begins to become evident which a meltdown is about to occur. Stage 3 is the 'point of no return' stage, where the child's flight reaction kicks in. Its normally here which reasoning will become impossible with the kid and you have to let nature takes it's course. Stage four is the 'explosion' stage and the child is in full meltdown.
To help stop meltdowns in children with Asperger's before it happens, you can put your kid on a sensory diet.

This diet would aid prevent the very first stage of a kid's meltdown from even starting, thereby preventing the meltdown. You can start out by employing a sensory integration session with your kid every day, getting ideas on how to regulate your child's sensory input from his or her doctor, school counselor, or special education teacher. When used proactively this is a good, solid start in stopping a meltdown.

The next thing you have to work with your child with aspergers on is visual supports. By giving them images to help them understand cause and effect, you can aid make sensory transitions smoother and keep triggers at bay. Visual supports used on a habitual schedule with sensory integration will help your child remain in control. They need to be used before the triggers are released in your kid and the meltdown starts.

The last thing which you'll have to do is assist your child with aspergers to manage their emotions. Since we do not understand what triggers a meltdown, you need to sit and talk with your child about how they feel when the meltdown begins and what they were thinking about. It takes time to assist a kid with aspergers learn to cope with emotions that are too big for them, but it could be done.

Children with aspergers and their families don't have to meltdown any longer. With proactive work on sensory integration, visual supports and emotion management, your kid with aspergers can stop many meltdowns.
Access the best Asperger syndrome community to assist with your parenting by going to

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How to Spot Autism in Your Child and Manage It

Autism Spectrum Disorders include a number of chronic, no progressive disabilities characterized by lack of social interaction, communication, and behavior. Autism, pervasive developmental disorder NOS, Asperger disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, and Rett disorder are all encompassed into the Autism Spectrum of Disorders.

Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • Limited eye contact and facial expression
  • Difficulty developing peer relationships
  • Indifference to social overtures
  • Lack of social reciprocity
  • Inflexibility
  • No engagement in pretend play
  • Impaired reciprocal communication
  • Language development delayed
  • Persistent question asking and repeating
  • Restrictive, stereotyped patterns of behavior
  • Repetitive, self-stimulatory behaviors (rocking, spinning)
  • Preoccupation or fascination with a single object or subject


Autism is more common in males and is usually diagnosed between 8 months and 3 years of age. Lack of attachment to mother during infancy is often present. It was believed in the past that MMR vaccine or thimerosal (vaccine preservative) causes autism, but current data research shows no link between MMR vaccines and autism. It is now more commonly believed that autism is caused by multiple environmental factors. The essential features of autism are impaired social interactions and communication. Restricted group of activities and interests, with stereotyped behaviors, rituals, or mannerisms. Siblings of children with autism appear to be at greater risk of developing the disorder.

Pervasive Developmental Disorder NOS (Not Otherwise Specified)

Pervasive Developmental Disorder NOS is the diagnosis given to children who have symptoms such as impaired social interaction and communication skills and/or repetitive, stereotyped behaviors, but with a symptom profile that does not meet diagnostic criteria for autism.

Asperger Syndrome

Asperger syndrome is characterized by difficulty forming relationships/relating to others and development of intense interest in very specific topics. Asperger does not necessarily need to have impaired language production, but very often these children do not understand abstract forms of language such as sarcasm and metaphors, and as a result have a hard time forming interpersonal relationships.

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

This disorder is characterized by normal development up to the age of 2 years, followed by loss of previously achieved language, social, and motor developmental milestones. Affected children may show disordered communication and social interactions and may have repetitive movements or stereotypes. Loss of skills must occur before 10 years of age.

Rett Disorder

This is an x-linked disorder that occurs only in girls, as boys usually succumb to the disorder in utero and die. The children in this disorder develop normally until 6 months of age and begin to exhibit symptoms of autism, language delay, psychomotor retardation, decreased head growth, breathing abnormalities, seizures, and poor coordination of gait and trunk movements. Mutations in the MECP2 gene are strongly associated with Rett Disorder.

Management of Autism Spectrum Disorders

The management of autistic disorders is most successful when a multidisciplinary approach is adopted. Intensive behavioral and sensory integration therapy, speech and language training therapy, social modeling, family support, and pharmacologic intervention all must be undertaken as soon as diagnosis is established, although not much evidence exists that shows pharmacologic therapy with antipsychotic (risperidone and aripiprazole) helps these children, but research is currently under way to develop pharmacologic drugs for treatment of autism. The best prognostic indicator of future success in these children is the extent of language development present. The earlier that treatment begins, the better are the chances for the child to live a normal life.

Copyright © 2010 - Yana G. Yevstegneeva, 3rd-year Medical Student. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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Autism Affects The Entire Family - Learning To Cope

Autism doesn't affect just the person with autism. No, autism affects the entire family. It affects the parents, the siblings and even the extended family. It affects the lives of all involved with the individual. And sometimes that can be down right difficult.

Some days are easier than others. After all, there are some days that they behave relatively well, you don't have any yelling, screaming or tantrums in public, and your child may resemble a child without autism.

Then there are those other days. The days where you have to cope with the stares and rude, unwelcome comments of others. The days where you wish you could crawl inside your own skin and never come out.

Like any parent we love our child, it's just sometimes it is so incredibly difficult that you wish the day would end.

So how do you cope? How to you get through the rougher days, to reach their better days?

First you need to understand, like anyone, your child has triggers. Things that get under their skin and make them act out. Knowing you child as well as you can, can help you sort out some of the trigger points for meltdowns, which you can then use to minimize the damage and behaviours.

If you know crowds upset your child, see if someone can watch your child while you do the shopping. If certain textures make your child meltdown, avoid those material at all costs. If you can't avoid taking them to the mall or shopping try noise canceling headphones. Sometimes just blocking out the noise of the world can help them cope.

Try to allow them some control in their own lives. If they are picky about clothing textures, show the a selection of clothes in the material they like and allow them to pick out their own clothing.

Let them choose some of the meals. If they won't eat certain textures, giving them the choice of what to eat can make mealtime less of a struggle. Most children will get all of their nutrients even if they don't take in the correct amount daily. It will usually balance out when looked at weekly or monthly. Give them some choice in their meals and you'd be surprised at how easy meal time can become for the entire family.

Autistic children are just like any other child. They need to be loved and cared for.

The only difference is how autistic children are loved and cared for. Know your child well enough, and you can it so that there are more of those easy days. For more ways to cope with autism, click here!

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