Monday, August 15, 2011

The Spiritual Message In Autism

With so many children being diagnosed every day with Autism Spectrum Disorder, it is easy for someone to feel hopeless, shame, guilt, anger, or resentment. The lessons from our upbringings have taught us that anything that isn't considered to be normal was wrong in some way. So, when a parent listens to a doctor deliver the diagnosis, these feelings come forward in a fevered rush, and oftentimes, a sense of abandonment jumps on for the ride.

But what if there was actually more to autism than what we believe there to be? What if these children came forth to help expand consciousness to a new level? What if...

As a parent to a son who was diagnosed with autism over 5 years ago, I've experienced many of these emotions and more. I found myself going inward, wallowing in my own feelings of self-pity, and not seeing him at all. Many times, I even thought that I was being punished in some way, or that my wild days had come back to haunt me through this diagnosis I knew nothing about.

Like many parents of newly diagnosed children, I found myself looking for answers and support online, but with over 1,000,000 references, I was left feeling more hopeless and overwhelmed.

My perception of my son's mysterious world now fills me with a sense of wonder, and I am in awe of his gentle and joyful disposition. At times, I am dumbfounded by this precious soul who, more often than not, awakes with a smile on his face and laughs himself to sleep. He is so happy, so content, so "in the vortex" as Abraham would say.

Could autism be "the key" that so many people were seeking?

What if... I tried it his way? What if... he came into this life to help me? What if...

My son may have the "autism" label, but it doesn't define who he is as a person. Like all of us, he's here to experience life and, through it, expand to a greater sense of awareness, purpose, and meaning. He's a gifted little artist with a great sense of humor who gives love freely to anyone who wants to receive it.

Autism very well might be a catalyst to shifting us towards a better world filled with more compassion, empathy, understanding, and love. Byron Katie says there are A Thousand Names for Joy, and I believe autism is one of them.

Adonya Wong is an author, Owner of Reiki Transformation, CEO of Now and Zen Productions, and social advocate who believes in living a life of service through her businesses as well as volunteering her time to organizations whose missions are serving and bettering the lives of the people within their communities. To learn more, visit!

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