Monday, August 1, 2011

Watch For These Common Signs of Autism in Infants

Signs of Autism in infants are a common time to notice this brain disorder. Often by six months a child with autism starts showing signs. Even though each child develops at their own rate various milestones happen around the same age in children. If a child has the developmental disorder, Autism, then it can be seen early in their life while mild forms might not be noticed until later, even in adulthood.

Parents notice how their children are growing and developments taking place. They also notice how other children around the same age are developing. Parents are not supposed to compare one another, but parents often can't help it. Sometimes parents become concerned if their child is delayed compared to other children in the same age group. Talking to a physician when a parent is concerned might help.

Here are some common signs of Autism in infants that should be treated as danger signs:

* No maintaining eye contact, nor smiling at parents or having happy facial expressions by the age of 6 months

* More interested in inanimate objects than in human contact

* Babies and toddlers develop an intense attachment to repetitive movements or patterns and if there is any change, they show high levels of agitation.

* Some infants have normal growth milestones till the age of 3 years and suddenly start going into regressions. be aware that a child that had started talking either loses the ability to pronounce or just stops speaking. They have a tendency to withdraw into themselves and just seem to live in their own world.

* Autistic children are highly sensitive to any of the five sense of smell, touch, taste, visual or audio senses. There is a change of behavior and that should be noticed.

The doctor will be able to notice if there is an issue or tell the parent to keep aware of things. They will let them know about normal milestones in development to notice and determine if they are meeting things properly. Again the doctor will tell the parent to not worry if the child seems behind in some areas. This is just a way to help the doctor to know what to observe and indicate some testing areas that will be important. These tests will be a way of determining if the child has Autism and if so what form of Autism. It could also be a way to find out if there is another issue.

It can be upsetting to notice signs of Autism in infants when it comes to the parents. Having knowledge of what to look for will help parents understand, if they have reason for concern or not. It will be a way to lead them to the proper tests. Notifying a doctor quickly once possible signs of Autism in infants are noticed will help them get treatment quickly. This will help them start coping quicker and treat the symptoms. There is not cure or perfect medications, but there are options that have shown to help some Autistic individuals.

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